Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Just to be clear, that means you’re voting for Bernie then?

Never underestimate how badly the DNC can fuck this up.


Skydiver’s given up on defending Pete.

It’s always good to see people evolve.

Question for the floor:

If Bloomberg brings forth a woman who credibly claims Bernie sexually assaulted her is it automatically curtains for him?

It’s not normal for the biggest ratio to be the last tweet in a thread.

Yang on CNN last week said Bloomberg asked (told?) all the major donors to stand down.

So yeah I don’t think he’s said any of those things. Is this the much touted oppo research they were promising?

I can personally do better with fucking video to back me up. Bernie said some wild shit in the 70’s.


So what the hell is it then? This is a guaranteed way to make absolutely sure that whatever you say next won’t be taken seriously. What The Actual Fuck Is He Doing?

I’m so fucking confused.


IOW, it’s exactly the Schiff comments Trump pretended to be upset about. Except Schiff was more on the mark.

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That video clip is nowhere near as damning as he thinks it is. All these video clips are nowhere near as bad as these centrists think they are. The GOP utterly used up the socialist label by attaching it to Barrack Obama and HRC.

The current president is on tape confessing to sexual assault. I think Bernie will be ok.

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Uhh, dude take a day off if you thought those might be real. They are obviously “jokes”. The question is why anyone would think they were funny or good strategy.


Bloomberg campaign is a real job creator for thousands of grifters


It’s satire… See above tweets from the bloomberg campaign saying so.

That’s the question I’m asking. Like what on Earth makes joking here seem like a good idea??

Because the few people that aren’t half assing it on purpose are the reason hilary lost to grimace the senile rapist.

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You know how you go round to you’re little nephew’s and he’s with his friends that are all playing this new game that you were so good at in the day, dunking peeps for fun and it’s right in your ballpark, let’s say trucking and there’s no way when the kid says hi Board ya any good with that silly smirk, and his friends high five or some shit the kids do now and it’s game on, 5 mins later your like this ain’t the same, it’s faster better graphics and U know f all about this language there speaking, that’s Mike.


Though honestly it is the most relatable human thing bloomberg has done. If I was a billionaire I’d definitely pay people thousands of dollars to like my posts.