You don’t think that most people probably early vote in the same general area that they live?
This is because they are understandably nervous about attacking him from the right.
Why do you continually post the worst right wing twitter accounts here?
Do you have any idea how big Las Vegas is?
I do. And something like not telling people to sign their ballots in majority black/Latino precincts is, believe it or not, going to affect mainly black and Latino voters. Stop acting so naive.
That Brazilian cheesy bread is so freaking good. My old coworkers like to get together at Fogo De Chao every Christmas. I gorge myself on cheesy bread and lightly sample the meat.
True story that’s literally the first account I ever muted on twitter
Please explain what race/gender issues you are talking about.
Nothing makes me feel more scared than being on the same side as Riverman on something this important.
Opps again… Its not deliberate.
I’m only on a few twitters and some links come up, so instead of post g the short response which are usually nothing of importance I preferred to post the original tweet in this instance.
I’m sure that was a tweet sent to Mehdi but I’ve went though and can’t seem to see who’s feed it exactly came from.
Last nights was a trend that I wanted to post… For the Cabinet position’s and they were all on troll account/I think.
Edit:- OK… Definitely not Medhi’s account
Edit 2 :- Blame dave weigel
Yikes. That’s a tough one for this crowd. I don’t know who people here hate more, Zimmerman or Warren/Mayor Pete.
Early voting isn’t a precinct related thing, and most people don’t live near their jobs (it’s much more convenient for a lot of people to early Caucus vote near their job). So stop acting like you know everything. And again, you need to show a lot of receipts for a claim like that, especially because the claim does not track properly with how things work in Nevada. This site loves its dis and misinformation, though, so it’s par for the course for something unverified to be posted and someone to defend unverified information without knowing a damn thing about it.
For actual Caucus day in Clark County I counted roughly 140 locations (many with a bunch of precincts in a single location), and there were approximately 40 (32 in in LV metro area) early vote locations. Of LV metro area ones, 4 were on the strip for employees only. 9 were at Union locations. 15 were at schools, libraries, or community centers. All of the rest sure appear to be geared at getting people to vote, not to suppress them.
Don’t be silly, Pete’s a shitty politician but he’s not a child killing luncatic.
Is “this site loves disinformation” how you rationalize getting repeatedly savagely dunked on?
I must have missed some posts because my read is very different.
WOW just wow…
So you didn’t see the town hall, are ignoring what I wrote about what Bernie said right after I watched him say it, and instead made your own guess at what he said, and then said that you don’t have a problem with your guess of what he said? Nice.
BTW your GUESS of what he said is what I expected him to say. But he did not say it. Maybe that’s what he will actually do but for whatever reason he did not want to admit to it.
You have a stupid ass read on the crowd here
The center of the party is devouring itself.
Perfect storm for progressives.