Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Account has since been nuked from orbit


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lol swingers

Some mod extract mj stuff and dump in mj thread. It’s a fine discussion but totally out of place.

This story is incredible.

Thread :arrow_down:


Apparently, a bunch of “journalists” are running damage control for Pete’s campaign manager, and saying they have emailed the alleged sock puppet account and are “reasonably assured” he’s a real Nigerian Pete fan.

Nobody has video-chatted or even spoken to him on the phone to confirm. Lmao

I’ve never been a drinker so this statement to me is weird, it’s like when the so called adults told me if I didn’t drink folks would think I’m strange… :rofl:

I still don’t drink at Xmas parties and such, I like to enjoy and remember my good times, fortunately most all my family very rarely drinks.

Alough My mums been enjoying the Gin when out and about nowadays and tbh she never drank before so it’s actually a enjoyable experience for her.

It was quite common here before the drink drive bans got into full effect that if we stayed down in the caravan and were in the local village pub a local would run us home drunk driving and the local officer was drinking within the Pub. :joy:

I feel like the smoking gun nobody has mentioned is that Lis Smith has a gigantic chin and her burner account is ”easy chin edu”



I’m fine with just not allowing people who drive drunk to drink at all. Make people get a license to be able to drink, then take away their license when they do something stupid while drunk.

How are people forced to drive drunk? Are cops pouring alcohol down your throat before you get behind the wheel?

License to be able to drink is 100% troll.

Ikes? Could be that flat-earth guy. I could see him being this dedicated to a trolling.

But, yeah, mass transit sucks in a lot of places, but still people are not forced to drive drunk or stoned.

Jesus, I thought there was a bunch of primary news in the thread, and I open it to find out that there’s a 200 post derail of Marijuana. Oh yea, and Pete is faking black support again.


Democrats 2024: We’re coming for your guns, your weed, your alcohol, and your cheeseburgers.

Someone keep us updated on the pete campaign faking black support. Shit is juicy and I don’t use twitter.


Not ikes. Not a troll.

We make people get licenses to operate a car. We should make them get a license to own firearms. Alcohol usage is potentially dangerous. Why shouldn’t we require licenses to drink alcohol? I think this is the logical continuation of being against unfettered gun ownership.

What can I do to convince you that I am not a troll?

Seriously guys there is a thread for this stuff, I already told you to post in that other thread like 100 posts ago smh.

I apologize to everyone for my part in the stupid derail.


Post a photo of your drinking license.


Going to have best me at the feats of strength next Festivus.

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We’re all just waiting for a mod to move everything over so we don’t have to track a conversation across two threads.

Already deleted. Bloomberg probably shipped Jack Dorsey a few million to take it down