Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yeah, they need a breathalyzer type tech which I don’t know is possible

This news cuts black support for Pete in half. Congratulation to Tim from Des Moines for being Pete’s last black supporter standing!

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Oh, you mean like a breathalyzer for marihuana? Yeah that science is in its infancy and not reliable. You need a blood test.

Just saw this and it’s hilarious lol

A blood test can absolutely tell you if someone is impaired. It can measure the amount of active THC in the blood which is the chemical that actually impairs you. It can also tell you the amount of the metabolite of THC which can be used to deduce how long ago the person smoked based upon the ratio of active to metabolite based on the half-life of THC. I think you’re thinking of a urine test, which is not particularly useful.

So for a blood test the cops decide whoever they want is " high " and take them back to the station and lock them up for a few hours and wait to administer the test? Then maybe keep them more for a few hours waiting for results and processing?

That sounds shitty as fuck.

I agree DUI is a problem and I try to talk sense into all the idiots who think they can smoke and drive. But the idea of police doing that on a large scale seems awful. We need a better test ASAP


Cause Bernie’s Spanish is fantastic.

It’s so cringey watching politicians speak Spanish unless they you know…actually speak it. It comes off as pandering and disingenuous.

So, no. A police officer looks at driving at the outset, then can administer field sobriety tests, make observations of the defendant, and can ask questions of the defendant. A police officer can’t arrest a defendant absent probable cause. I get that there is a strong anti-police bias on these boards and I’m going to get flamed by everyone and clearly the answer is just the police should never be able to arrest anyone on probable cause ever, but we do need some mechanism to arrest drunk and impaired drivers, because that shit kills a lot of people every year.

Edit: Also, to be clear, in my area, the process is more like: Defendant arrested, asked to submit to test, either refuses or submits, then police give him/her an appearance ticket to appear in court at a later date. Blood results take more than a few hours.

It’s the 1 thing in life that annoys me too, anyone using any substance and driving deserves a little grief to a lot of grief, it’s just not cool to be smoking and driving especially with the strength nowadays.

We tend to self police here wrt our drivers and the police tend to leave us alone and its worked out for the best in that ridicule a grown man helps put a stop to it in most cases.
Fortunately its new drivers who do it at the start of there journey in taxis. :joy: And when they see or realise that the’ve been giving out change for a £20 instead of a £10 the money factor tends to straiten them up. :wink:

Don’t risk it, a small fair is worth x10 in the morning :ok_hand:

Peak impairment does not occur when THC concentration in the blood is at or near peak levels. Peak THC level can occur when low impairment is measured, and high impairment can be measured when THC level is low. Thus, in contrast to the situation with alcohol, someone can show little or no impairment at a THC level at which someone else may show a greater degree of impairment.

7 conducting research on a Schedule I drug may contribute to this relative lack of research. For example, these include the need for a government license to obtain, store and use marijuana, the security requirements for storage, and documentation requirements and disposal requirements. While fewer studies have examined the relationship between THC blood levels and degree of impairment, in those studies that have been conducted the consistent finding is that the level of THC in the blood and the degree of impairment do not appear to be closely related. Peak impairment does not occur when THC concentration in the blood is at or near peak levels. Peak THC level can occur when low impairment is measured, and high impairment can be measured when THC level is low. Thus, in contrast to the situation with alcohol, someone can show little or no impairment at a THC level at which someone else may show a greater degree of impairment. Figure 4While high levels of THC are detected in the blood (and oral fluid) during and right after smoking, they are not typically observed an hour or two later. In cases of traffic crashes or arrests for impaired driving, it is most likely that only relatively low levels of THC will be found by the time an oral fluid or blood sample is obtained. Low THC levels of a few nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) in blood can result from relatively recent use (e.g., smoking within 1 – 3 hours) when some slight or even moderate impairment is likely to be present, or it can result from chronic use where no recent ingestion has occurred and no impairment is present.

Figure 4 above shows this lack of clear correspondence between THC level in plasma and impairment (also subjective reports of being “high”) in subjects who ingested marijuana through smoking (Ward, N.J. and Dye, L. 1999). As expected, the peak THC level is reached soon after smoking ends. However, peak performance deficits are observed long after the peak THC level occurs. In fact, peak impairment occurs at 90 minutes after smoking while the THC level has declined over 80 percent from
8 the peak level at that point in time. Notice also that the subjectively reported “high” also does not correspond well with blood plasma THC concentration. THC level in blood (or oral fluid) does not appear to be an accurate and reliable predictor of impairment from THC. Also, when low levels of THC are found in the blood, the presence of THC is not a reliable indicator of recent marijuana use.

Further in:

Blood Testing – Blood testing is considered the “gold standard” for testing for the presence of drugs in impaired driving cases. However, as described in the background section to this report, currently there is limited ability to relate the amount of a drug or metabolite in blood to the presence and amount of impairment. Collecting a blood sample is an invasive procedure typically requiring a search warrant and a nurse or licensed phlebotomist.

It’s the one thing I’m thankful of, I appreciate your responses wrt this.

Sucks that America is so car-heavy. DUIs are less of an issue in Europe due to public transportation and Uber.

It’d be nice to have a replacement driver system a la South Korea’s daeri unjeon to minimize this issue as Uber and public transportation are unavailable in rural areas of America. Create a sort of Uber where you hire replacement drivers to drive people’s cars home with the owners in it.

We do have a mechanism for drunk drivers, we have breathalyzers.

The problem with a blood test is it sounds like you agree that they have to arrest you, probably impound your car, and keep you there probably over night and then release you waiting for the test results. You shouldn’t be able to do that because you suspect someone is high. Thats a license to harass minorities.

And we aren’t anti-police bias. Like have you not seen all the statistics and videos of police harassing and fucking with minorities? Usually making shit up for probable cause? Honestly if you can’t afford an attorney it’s pretty likely the cops can make up any reason for probable cause and that shit would work in court.

Lemme ask you a question. Can a police officer make up that your license plate light is out, even if you have proof that your light was not out, and that still be good enough reason in court for the judge to rule that the cop simply thinking the light was out gives him probable cause? Because that has happened to me, and I was simply a nice looking white kid. I can only imagine how often that shit happens to minorities.

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Umm the clip about Amy isn’t even about speaking Spanish, she literally doesn’t know the name of the president of Mexico. Also Pete claims he speaks Spanish so it’s a little more embarrassing than Bernie who doesn’t claim to be a Spanish speaker.

So, maybe I’m just gunshy after Iowa, but, the Nevada results reporting system seems… bad?
Like, “let’s just give a bunch of tech unsavvy volunteers who still use flip phones an iPad and an unsecured wifi connection and see what happens.”

He just had a rally in Houston and was endorsed by their mayor, who is black. Probably does pretty well with older city dwellers.

Meanwhile, elephant tranquilizers are legal, we know they’re being abused at epidemic proportions, and they impair your ability to drive. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone pearl clutching about that.


I think the concerns about DUI are overblown. Marijuana already exists, people consume it and have been driving under the influence for decades. Legalizing it won’t suddenly create a deluge of drivers that will now drive while high. Nothing much will change.
We can think about appropriate enforcement mechanisms but it’s not an argument against legalization.


Bloomer effortlessly buying every Democratic mayor in America tells you all you need to know about those people, and by extension the party.


Hey any chance we can keep the marijuana discussion in the thread designated for marijuana discussion? I like to come to this thread for dem primary news. Kthanks.