Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Interesting, thanks for that.

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Sort of, but also if Super Tuesday is 7 ways, somewhere in the neighborhood of 40% of the total delegates will have been allotted at that point with Bernie in the lead while probably getting 25-30% of them… Which means to get to 50% he’d have to get about two-thirds of the remaining delegates. Since everything is proportional, that’s pretty much impossible.

I also feel like 30% is being really generous to Bernie in this scenario, but I could be wrong.

Aren’t a lot of primaries winner take all? I thought that was the case in previous elections

My union is probably 70/20/10 R/D/Non voter. It’s incredibly depressing. Incidentally it’s 99+% white, and as we all know white people are the absolute worst.

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What % of union members nationwide are POC? What % are women?

No clue

They’re all proportional this year.


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Bernie got delegates in every primary or caucus in 2016 except for the US Virgin Islands caucus where he only got 12.88% of the vote.

Only on the Republican side.

Democratic primaries (at least since I’ve been paying close attention) have always been proportional.

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Bloomberg would pay $3 billion less under his wealth tax than under Sanders plan

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg says he would pay more to Uncle Sam under his plan to raise taxes on wealthy Americans. What the former New York City mayor hasn’t said: He’d pay as much as $3.5 billion less under his wealth tax than he would under similar proposals from Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, two of his rivals for the party’s nomination. Bloomberg’s plan would also generate far less government revenue.

Shocking. I guess this means he can easily “invest” a billion or two into his campaign and still come out ahead.


You’ve been sitting at the table for a half hour and you haven’t spotted the sucker yet.


Jfc This. Exact same logic as we don’t need voting rights act anymore because it worked.

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I’m curious how this is possible / what it might look like.

And as you point out in this paragraph, it takes more than a living wage to make unions obsolete–they also bargain for working conditions, working hours, vacation, benefits, etc. Some of that can be mandated nationally (mandated vacation and p/maternal leave, for example), but things like working conditions and hours are probably so situation-dependent that I’m interested in ideas which might accomplish that nationally.

Edit: do we have a unions thread? probably worth excising this if we’re going to discuss further

Yeah. It’s all about power. Unions concentrate power for their membership. Just giving that power to government because it promises to be cool is just more concentration of power and ultimately can’t be better for workers.


Pretty easy to tell who ITT didn’t grow up in a working class family. These anti union takes are almost as bad as jman’s public option take that resulted in a lynching.


Obviously unions are a necessary bulwark against management.

Fuck the dumbass gaslighting union leadership ratfucking Bernie in NV tho.

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I think it’s easier to tell our ages than how we grew up from them. By the time I was born it was 1985 and the good times of the Unions was in the rear view mirror.

But you’re right, my family has a complex history with unions. My maternal grandfather fled Appalachia significantly because it sucked, but also because his father (a raging abusive alchoholic ldo) had been a gun thug for the coal companies. He of course earned his living working for the teachers union ultimately becoming their main negotiator in the decade or so before he retired. He for sure isn’t anti union. He is however a rather significant deplorable, not that it should surprise anyone that someone born in the 20’s in Pike county KY would be a deplorable.

My dad’s family were upper class Jews from the midwest and he didn’t have much of an opinion either way.

I grew up dirt poor because both of my parents were straight up mentally ill.

All my views of unions come from studying history, economics, and personal experiences. I’ve definitely seen way more bad behavior than good behavior from them honestly. I don’t care if that annoys you, it’s what I’ve seen and the sample size is more than one. I work in logistics so I spend most of my time talking on the phone with people dramatically more working class than the people on this board.

Hell, no. There is a severe power imbalance between employer and employee. The only way to counterbalance it is for the employers to unite.

I also think it is a rather bizarre notion that was brought up in this thread that unions might not be needed if $15 minimum wage and other benefits are enacted. What if you ever want more than the legal minimum? You will never get laws generous enough that you can do without unions.

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I was born in 1986. My dad is a pipefitter and my mom is a teacher (both came from dirt poor families). Saying we can abolish unions after we get M4A and $15 / hr min wage is inane.

One side of the political spectrum has been anti union for decades, and it’s not the left.
