Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

probably late but Yang Is out

The only candidate I would 100% never vote for is Bloomberg. If he’s the Democratic nominee then I’d throw in the towel

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Cliffs? I’m not a subscriber.


“I am a numbers guy,” Yang said in an interview before addressing supporters at Manchester’s Puritan Backroom. “In most of these [upcoming] states, I’m not going to be at a threshold where I get delegates, which makes sticking around not necessarily helpful or productive in terms of furthering the goals of this campaign.”

“If I become persuaded that there’s a particular candidate that gives us a superior chance of beating Donald Trump, and I think it’s important to make that opinion known, then I would consider it for sure,” Yang said. He also said he would be open to becoming another candidate’s running mate or joining a presidential Cabinet.

“Anyone with a crystal ball would have regarded Iowa as a bit of a sinkhole,” Yang said. “If we could do it over again, of course, we would not have sunk so much energy and time and resources in Iowa. We would have been fighting it out here in New Hampshire. And then we probably would have been on the air in Nevada or South Carolina.”

“If we miss this fundraising goal and our target finish in New Hampshire, I don’t believe we can continue contending at the same level,” Yang wrote in a fundraising email. “It’s that simple.”

“Now, 66 percent of Democrats support a universal basic income,” Yang said. “It’s got 72 percent of young people, aged 18 to 34.”


@beetlejuice @beetlejuice @beetlejuice next time


Thank you.

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Just Yang. I’m a Bernie bro now.


It would be harder for the Democratic Party to not give Bernie the nomination of he gets a plurality but not a majority of they had to overtly conspire to make it happen than the way it is. The voters get the first ballot and the delegates essentially get ranked choice voting - with the superdelegate bonus. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just the rules. And there’s no way Bernie wins without 50+ or at least a substantial lead. If it were just up to some answerable party they’d at least have to worry about the backlash.

Bloomberg doesn’t need to win the nomination. If he gets any delegates anywhere, those are Bloomberg delegates at the convention who will never vote for Bernie in any subsequent round no matter what. It doesn’t matter if Kathy the wacky voter goes Bloomberg > Bernie > Biden. The delegates will never order like that.


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I got mine, the American attitude. But who knows about the difference between union leadership and the members.


the leading moderate candidate has a 60 billion dollar fortune

Btw, Mike Bloomberg, if you’re listening, when they ask you about joining the race late just say it’s ridiculous that it takes 16 months to run a Presidential primary, that will be 100k please, ty

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This is going to be VERY interesting in terms of the culinary workers union - the state is all blue in terms of guv/senate/house, and for DECADES they’ve been the 800 lb. gorilla for the dem establishment in the state. So we’re gonna see 1) is Nevada important enough to make any sort of difference in the upcoming caucus, or is it being a small state with super tuesday coming up maybe going to just become irrelevant and 2) which non-Bernie candidate is going to try to get the union rank and file to vote for him/her enough to damage Bernie.


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Doubt it. Pete and Amy don’t like each other.

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