Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

These texts 100% work on me.

Just last week I was walking to work and saw a text that the campaign was going to send the names of the next 500 people who donated to Bernie himself, in response to that Super PAC ad against him. You better believe I clicked that actblue link and donated ASAP for the small chance that my hero Bernie Sanders might have read my name.

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The question is not whether or not they work on some people. Links can be individualized so that they can track clickthrough rates. If they did this, it would be very clear that I haven’t clicked one probably ever. I actually read the texts occasionally and they are very similar to what Johnny rec’d for me. I guess my point is mostly that there are a lot of other ways to get people engaged and $ donated should not be the only metric the campaign judges its success by. Engagement is the most important thing by a lot in my view.

Also legit LOL at some dude who reads a 3 paragraph thoughtful reply about the best strategy for us to win together and thinks I’m just complaining about being annoying by texts I don’t even see. Pretty hilarious when people work backwards from an assumption that everyone who disagrees with them is clueless and stupid.

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But like, so what? They cost nothing.

Sanders supporters are already hugely engaged. I can demonstrate to you how money gets votes by just pointing at Bloomberg and Steyer. I’m not clear on what you even mean by additional engagement or how this would translate into more people voting for Bernie.

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Note to Establishment Shills: Bernie isn’t a Democrat because he fights too hard for things that the Dirty Ds claim to care about.

Which is exactly why he is winning.

The cartoon that ran in todays Philadelphia Inquirer:

Bernies supporters are just forcing everyone to vote for Biden. What a shame.

That’s not the political strategy that works for the minority party, though, as McConnell has shown. You didn’t give the opposition party any bi-partisan victory. You make bad-fail calls for bi-partisanship, and refuse to vote for anything, then blame the other party for their partisanship.

I can admit valid criticism even of my favored candidates. No candidate is perfect.

Bernie is too nationalist. Bernie has mostly great policy but has accomplished very little of it and has failed at helping to get like minded individuals elected. Combined with not supporting getting rid of the filibuster I have concerns about him getting policy through as President.

Warren has had poor judgement at a few points in the campaign. Changing her policy messaging on healthcare to try to stop attacks from the right was a mistake. If she loses it’s because she tried to be everything to everybody in an attempt to be the big tent candidate.

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Lol ridiculous. The one thing I can’t wait for (if bernie is allowed to win #nojinx) is the might of the bernie bro internet army, forged in the fires of a hostile takeover of the democratic party turning their full attention towards trump. I mean corncobbing a dumb lib is one thing but trump supporters are the most easily offended, biggest and most fragile snowflakes in the history of humanity. It’s going to be an utter bloodbath.

Also, in regards to the JT derail of the past 20hrs, he’s made valid points and aggressively shooting him down is a bad look. It’s pretty clear I am STRONGLY in the Bernie camp, but to say the campaign couldn’t be doing a better job getting messages like the Killer Mike ad in front of more eyeballs is clearly wrong.

The fundraising texts and emails serve a purpose. Bernie needs an insane amount of money to campaign in the ST states. He also needs as many people as possible to feel emotionally connected to his primary run. Talking about the issues will help achieve that goal.

I’m not sure who runs the texts from 67760, but its possibly not the campaign directly. The campaign texts come from local numbers, and plenty of the texting assignments I’ve worked on have nothing to do with fundraising.

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Go vote for someone else Joe.


Actually it should be go run for someone else.

After Iowa, a radical new voice will emerge and lead the Democrats to victory.


Andy Reid?


No, he’s running for the Senate seat in Kansas.


It’s in bad faith. Bernie has some nationalistic rhetoric in keeping with a lot of labor activists, but literally no one thinks he would have a harsher immigration policy or practice than Joe Biden or Martin O’Malley.

The world is not binary.

Cool graphic on predictit (also love how Bernie is red)


I am in favor of it. Or maybe one for IA+NH?

Neo-lib trade policy is fake free market where developed countries prevent undeveloped countries from using the same protections that the developed countries used to develop in the first place. Alexander Hamilton was a pioneer of protectionism and it worked. Forcing those policies on developing countries is just imperialism. Meanwhile the developed countries with the power continue to subsidize industries, like corn, to take over markets in poor countries.

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