Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Holy fuck that is a LOT of calls. HOPE RISING.


Do calls actually work?

Yes, they do. Not super high conversion rate but worth doing nonetheless, especially if you cant go door to door in Iowa/NH


This is a good thing, but maybe just don’t run in the first place and do this anyway? Same with Steyer.

The egos on these guys are mind blowing.


Ok, Mike, even if it’s Bernie?


Marianne Williamson Drops Out of 2020 Presidential Race

Down to 13.



So basically at this point we have left…

The clown car: Bennet, Delaney, Gabbard, and Patrick

You were supposed to be a good candidate but for whatever reason 2020 isn’t your year: Booker

You’re popular on the internet but it’s not looking promising: Yang

Scrooge McDuck: Bloomberg

The unicorn actually progressive billionaire: Steyer

Aww shucks midwestern conservative Democrats: Buttigieg and Klobuchar

Your senile kinda racist grandpa who has a black friend: Biden

Crazy uncle with OG progressive cred who is awesome but you worry a little bit that he sounds like he’s in a constant fight with a cold. When George Costanza said “The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli” you now understand the old man he was describing: Sanders

Your liberal college professor who is probably the smartest person in the race but comes off as a bit awkward at times trying to be cool with the college kids: Warren


Russia should hire Joe Biden. No one undermines Joe Biden’s candidacy more than him.


Sounds about right. For me the candidates divide into two groups.

Would actually be excited to vote for and happy/optimistic if they win the general:
Sanders, Warren

Wouldn’t vote for (I’m in WA so hold the backlash), would feel short-term relief that at least they’re not Trump, but worried that they’d be cuing up a worse red wave in 2024 due to complicity/incompetence if they won the general:
Everyone else

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Your username and your actions don’t match up.

Why would someone in a lock blue state need to vote for the nominee if it’s one of the shittier candidates?

I didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016, and I’m not voting for Biden in 2020. Obviously I would if I was in Pennsylvania or North Carolina.

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I guess I would find it personally unsettling to not vote against Trump, regardless of my location. But that’s just me.


I also think it’s important for the future elimination of the EC that we run up the score. If Trump somehow gets re-elected losing by 10 million or something, it really makes the unfairness of the process kind of hard to ignore.


I will likely be voting third party for president, given the way things currently look.

Edit: actually idk. There will likely (hopefully?) not be any non grifty third party candidates to support either. I’ll end up pulling the lever for Biden and kind of hating myself for a while.

To explain my stance a little…

  1. I won’t vote for someone whose positions I don’t agree with. A 100% match isn’t possible but there’s a threshold that needs to be met.
  2. There are few red lines for me, one of which is I won’t vote for a sex abuser/harasser. And I put Biden in that category.
  3. I won’t vote for the D in disregarding the above just because they’re the lesser evil. Withholding my vote is one way I can give feedback to the party and I’m not going to give it up.
  4. Related to 3, I won’t vote D just because they’re slightly less evil than the Rs. As the Rs pull further and further right that’s a recipe for disaster.
  5. The “run up the score” argument isn’t persuasive to me. And I don’t think the chances of the EC being abolished improve because a wider margin makes the EC look more unfair. The EC will only be abolished when Ds (or whoever) force it to be, not because of an appeal to fairness to the Rs.


I live in WA as well so my vote literally does not matter thanks to the good old electoral college. Volunteering/donating is how I convert my WA vote to a meaningful vote. I will volunteer a lot if Bernie is the nom, a minor/moderate amount if Warren is the nom, and none at all if anyone else is the nom. Same for donations made. Simple as that.