Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

The ‘Lol Ds’ and ‘Wat can Joe do’ threads are breaking things up but there’s a throughline to all of this.

Like me posting this tweet here:

What are you talking about?! Pelosi specifically states that she’s NOT for immediate aid to EVERY American unlike REPUBLICAN senator Tom Cotton. Do you deny this? Meanwhile, Trump is ordering suspensions of all evictions and home foreclosures

Where’s the bullshit I’m falling for? I’ve been saying for weeks now that by nominating the shittiest possible candidate Trump is going crush him by beating Biden from his left


Some of us have memories that are longer than a twitter news cycle:

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None of that matters at this point. Brave New world and all that

Part of it is this:

None of this will make them good people. I mean ffs they’re probably motivated by covid killing their demographic.


The Rs are supposed to move left, and the Ds are supposed to become an actual left party. It’s an arc of history moment. Pandemics will do that.

Which populist Dems being primaried out of their offices upset you the most?

Do you think we should impeach Pence or Barr next???

C’mon man.

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You said redistricted or primaried. Kucinich was a victim of being redistricted into a race against another incumbent. I was more interested in examples of the second part, an incumbent facing a primary challenge from the right who didn’t have the advantage of being an incumbent like Kaptur was.

Your analysis relies on Democrats believing that Bernie is guaranteed to beat Trump and that Biden is not. It falls apart if it is rational for someone to believe that Bernie is not the lock that you think he is.

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It’s really weird if you get worked up about something and can’t come up with an example. It’s like talking about women being gagged with duct tape and not being able to give an actual case of that.

I mean we’ll see. I think it’s possible they give cash to a small percentage of the population based on a convoluted set of factors. Will they give cash to all the gig economy, restaurant/bar, country club, event space workers who are laid off without really being “laid off”? Almost certainly no. The thing that would be good and grow the economy (get cash to workers through infrastructure projects and similar things) has been obvious for 10 years and it never got done. The barriers to something like that are still in place.

Meh, I’m not buying it. Mitch McConell is still in control of the Senate, no legislation is getting a vote without his approval.

McConnell isn’t going to change just because there’s a pandemic going around.

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I don’t think he’s going to have a choice. Could definitely be wrong.

Just stop already.

Yeah I am and prob not haha

Plus I’m not self isolating as much as some others, have to make store runs once or twice a week getting stuff for a bunch of older folks

Not sure if you actually fell for it, or if you’re just using it for cover, but, your whole thing relies on the fanciful scenario where Joe is beating trump by the narrowest of margins and Bernie is losing by the same. Otherwise it’s total nonsense!

I don’t believe that the known facts require everyone to come to the same conclusion about what will happen and what ought to be done.


Tulsi Gabbard suspended her campaign today.