Dead and nearly departed Covidiots

I mean, they care about the difference between Covid and Anthrax.

That’s only because they associate anthrax with terrorists and this way they can blame their illness on someone attacking them and not their own stupidity.


«Ceci n’est pas COVID.»


Um, the whole point of her post was to claim that it wasn’t SARS-CoV-2 but a bacteria instead. The difference was like her entire point.


Pneumonia is just pneumonia. There’s certain patterns described as ‘typical’ and ‘atypical’. Typical is basically sections of of your lung (2 in left, 3 in the right lung) get filled with fluid. Atypical is what we see with covid, which is various subsections of the lung get affected diffusely.

Covid almost exclusively causes a pneumonia with no bacteria component. This is true with some viruses (RSV) and not true with other viruses (flu is notorious for superinfections with staph).

Current recommendations for initial treatment of covid do not include antibiotics. I never start them in the ER as I think widespread practice like that will cause long term antibiotic issues. I’ll sometimes start them if the patient is critically ill and I don’t have a confirmed diagnosis, but that varies with the amount of community spread we’re face. In what’s happening now, I wouldn’t start antibiotics unless I couldn’t confirm it was covid in 2 hours or less.

That being said, a common pattern for people to die is to have a bacterial superinfection in covid, but this is more complicated than you might think. There’s three major causes of infections, and they’re all things we do. Central lines (think a big IV that goes into a big veins) cause septicemia as they provide a direct line for bacteria to go to the heart. Ventilator tubing is susceptible to colonization by bacteria like pseudomonas, which loves diseased lung and can be very difficult to eradicate. Foley catheters to measure urine output frequently get infected too.

So basically what happens is that covid turns your lungs into Swiss cheese. This fucks with your kidneys because they are the weakest organ in the body. You have severe damage to your heart from the hypoxia. Your normal physiology is fucked.

So you make it a few weeks in the ICU from covid. But your body isn’t capable of living on its own anymore. Eventually, something bad happens and a bacteria sets up shop. Since you’re frail, everything goes to shit and you die. Antibiotics, pressors, ecmo it doesn’t fucking matter.

The worst part is when it’s slow and you go into DIC while I’m trying to help you and you start bleeding from every mucosal surface, slowly spinning down the drain until you die.


Well that was a fun read.

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Putting this here cause this guy is going to be making appearance. Karma demands it.

Qu’est-ce que tu viens juste de dire sur moi petite salope ? je te ferais savoir que je suis sorti premier de ma classe dans la légion étrangère, et j’ai participé à de nombreuses attaques surprises contre Al-Quaeda, j’ai plus de 300 victimes confirmées. Je suis entrainé aux tactiques de gorilla et je suis le meilleur sniper de toutes les forces armées françaises. Tu n’es rien de plus qu’une autre cible. Je te ferais disparaitre de cette putain de planète avec une précision jamais-vue auparavant, souviens-toi de mes putains de paroles. Tu peux pense que tu peux t’en sortir après avoir dit de la merde sur moi sur Internet? Réfléchis-bien, enculé. Au moment où nous parlons je contacte mon réseau d’espions à travers le globe et ton IP se fait tracer en ce moment même alors prépare toi à la tempête, vermine. La tempête qui va balayer cette pathétique petite chose que tu appelles ta vie. T’es putain de mort gamin. Je peux être n’importe où, n’importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de sept-cent manières, et cela juste à mains nues. Je suis non seulement très entrainé au combat à main nue, mais j’ai aussi accès à l’arsenal entier de l’Armée de Terre de la République et je l’utiliserai à son maximum pour rayer ton petit cul du continent, espèce de petite merde. Si seulement tu avais su la vengeance impie qui t’attendait grâce à ton petit commentaire “malin”, peut être tu aurais fermé ta gueule. Mais tu ne l’a pas fait, non tu ne l’a pas fait, et maintenant tu en paye le prix, putain d’abruti. Je vais te chier dessus jusqu’à ce que tu te noies dedans.

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“I knew it was survivable”


It’s honestly fucking tragic.

Can’t stop crying :rofl:


This response was pretty good:


I feel like I have certainly met that lady at some point.

It’s survivable as long as you don’t let it dominate you.

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What really gets you is if you let it make you live your life in fear. As long as you don’t live your life in fear, COVID can’t hurt you.

All we need is Ben Garrison to depict Covid as a black teenager wearing a hoodie and we’ll save countless thousands of lives.

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He’s too busy calling for lynchings and worrying about “nose rape”

From goalposts to lampposts :skull_and_crossbones:

lol @ “Hillary takes over.” Even the Qanon marks at PI have stopped betting on her.

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