CRT and the Weaponization of Education

Looks like this is going to be a signature Republican issue, not specific to DeSantis and Florida…

Sounded strange, and sure enough:

Tuscaloosa County Superintendent Keri Johnson, in a statement, denied allegations that an administrator told the students to leave out historical elements.

“It is not true that faculty or staff told students that slavery or the civil rights movement could not be part of the program,” Johnson said.

Probably gonna need more than a statement from the Superintendent who according to the article “contacted the school and was told it was false” for me to start thinking they did this for no reason.

Oh the teacher who supposedly did this said it never happened wipes hands good enough for me!


Sure. I’m not saying it’s 100% clear the allegations aren’t true, but I wouldn’t bet on it either.

The most likely scenario is the students wanted to discuss certain topics in greater depth, and the teacher steered it back to the (likely not very progressive) textbook.

The headline “could not reference slavery” sounded pretty ridiculous on its face. The fact that program is “student-led” makes this even more obvious.

Unfortunately, a lot of states have a very rigid curriculum that needs to be followed to the letter. What was in that lesson plan is obviously not known to us but I imagine there probably wasn’t much room for teachers to go off-script or be flexible in how they do things with something like this.

It’s one of many reasons that teaching in America sucks dick.