COVID-19: memes and goofs thread

So, what’s the stated reason? I’m sure it’s stupid, but I’m curious.

Old people are emailing around chain letters about how the vaccine is killing old people. My wife’s dad gets them from his friends on the regular now and calls then back to yell at them.

How do they square this with the narrative that Trump deserves all the credit for the vaccine? There is no way Dear Leader would create a vaccine that harms people. That’s crazy talk.

My son’s preschool assistant won’t get it because she doesn’t want her DNA altered.

$20 says she doesn’t know the difference between DNA and RNA.

Only $20?


Am I expected to know the difference between DNA and RNA, other than maybe some super vague notion I half remember from high school biology?


If that’s the basis for you declining a potentially life-saving vaccine, then, yeah, I think you should have some idea of the basics.

In my case the people involved are not Trump supporters. They’re just random olds that are in the habit of forwarding stupid chain emails to each other and the antivaxx stuff has found its way into that ecosystem.

Wait, WAT? You’re telling me there exist “random olds in the habit of forwarding stupid chain emails to each other” and they are not Trump supporters? NYT needs to do a safari piece on this ASAP. It boggles the mind.

Seems obvious: One starts with a D and the other starts with an R.



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Lol my vaxxed friends are sharing drinks with each other and shit and its blowing my mind


Wasn’t sure if this goes here or the Fashion thread.


It’s helpful to know that RNA is a lot less stable than DNA, which is a big part of the reason they’ve had trouble making mRNA vaccines that don’t have to be super-chilled.

Damn, that family is good.

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That design has a unnecessarily large dead space. I don’t think that’s practical.