COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

A few years ago but their drummer died recently.


Happened after Superbowl boat parade.

Congrats on the baby!


Any excuse in a storm

My buddy’s dad died yesterday. I did find out he got the first dose of vaccine but never went back for the second. I’m not sure if it was Moderna or Pfizer.



Mississippi’s got some third world problems.

System working as intended

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It’s a developing nation.

Update on the anti-vax, obese, retired MAGA cop with heart disease who’s livid he’s losing his job as a hospital security guard and being forced to quit his bowling league:


COVID Comin’

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If all these deplorables move to Florida it wont flip blue.

Third shot is in my arm. Got it at a CVS insode a Target, process was very easy. The pharmacist said she’s seeing a big uptick in booster shots but not in first shots unfortunately. This area has a decent vaccination rate (70.4% at least 1 shot) whoch could be part of that, but there’s definitely lots of arms left to inject.

The 2nd dose was rough for me. 103ish fever for two days and all the other flu like symptoms. I have work tonight so hoping this both is less sever and doesn’t onset until the morning if at all. Pharmacist told me that most people she’s spoken to have “felt off” for a day or two but not as bad as shot two.


Only a week into the school year and the situation is getting worse a bit faster in the Czech Republic now. Most new cases on a Saturday since the end of May.

Fourth wave is definitely a-comin’. Minister of Health seems to hope that his condition of 75% full vaccination before removing veils entirely is realistic. But really, vaccination has slowed to a crawl. Almost a flat line of growth over the last month or so. Best to finish those who need a second shot and then open it to kids. I’d like to get a boost by the end of this year though since i got my second shot at the beginning of April.

In better news, just 111 students in the entire country tested positive for covid with 86% of schools reporting which represents over a million students.

To add on to the discussion about myocarditis:

I estimated RR of 32 earlier.


And the study had the RR around 3 for the vaccine, correct?

Feeling a bit like crap today. Normal?


Very normal after shot two. That means it’s working. Congrats!!


Yay me?