COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I’m sorry your to hear about your in-laws.

Have they been to/should they be in the hospital?

Guy I work with got it. Rapid antibody test came back negative 2 days after symptoms, home pOX read low. PCR at the hospital confirmed it was actually COVID but also that his oxygen levels were fine. He’s fine now, just felt like an especially bad case of then flu. Sort of disturbing that the antibody test failed.

Some good news from Reddit:


lol finally.

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If only we had been warned.


before 2020, this would never have happened. All it took to turn SD County from purple to deep blue was flipping ONE county supervisor seat.

Local politics matters.


Looks like they’ve just migrated to /r/conspiracy.

New orders from someone:

“The hospital shortages aren’t due to COVID!”

“We’ve had nursing shortages for years!”

Kind of amazing tbh.

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Well… it’s not as wrong as you might think. But still wrong obviously.

I mean, if they don’t have beds for people I think that is another issue.

Fucked up that it took such an enormous protest for them to do anything.

Not having beds for people was something we had happen regularly before covid, but not like this obviously.

I mean I would…but I’d probably lose my job.

Are hospitals still acting under the assumption that they just have to hold on through the current crisis and wait for things to go back to normal or are they making plans for permanent changes in how business is done under the assumption that COVID will always be with us in a (hopefully) diminished but permanent way?

Posted by a friend of mine who’s a nurse:

I’m ready for a life where I have a little bit of my soul left each day to even want to care for myself, or to willfully do something pleasant.

I’m ready for weekends where I don’t solely race to catch up on everything I should have done during the week only to collapse on Sunday night just because I’m too tired to do any more.

Underneath all that, I am haunted by the pandemic smirks of the ignorant and belligerent.

Something has to give here.


Don’t know. Above my paygrade.

There’s going to be a generation of HCWs scarred by this for life. I know I am.

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I’m not saying healthcare workers aren’t having a horrible time but the right wing trolls are now dismissing COVID news about overrun hospitals not because COVID is killing people but because of nursing shortages the whole time. Just shifting to another bullshit excuse to not get vaxxed and blame tEh MEdIA for over exaggerating.

Do you have any thoughts of quitting/switching jobs away from what you’re doing?

Ehhh. Not realistically. I’m stuck for 5 years minimum due to the way my contract is structured. I’m 1.25 in.

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