COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

pretty sure humanity and societies have survived an 8-10% event multiple times, but with harsh consequences obviously.

Vegas is business as usual in the swingers world. I could be at a party or club as much as I wanted.

Here’s a fun* though experiment. How much time do you think COVID has taken from you so far? Time spent reading this thread or other pandemic related things. Time spent shopping for and buying masks, tests, etc. Time spent trying to book vaccine appointments. Time not spent doing activities you would have otherwise done. It’s pretty wild to think how much of our lives have been consumed by this shit, and there’s no end in sight.

*not actually fun


More from the YOU DON’T SAY journal:


Galaxy brain literally the thumbnail


A lot. A real lot.

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I picked up some n95 masks at lowes like 3 days ago.

Grunching. I thought my initial symptoms were allergies. Crazy runny nose and sneezing.

Its apparently a fairly common symptom now for younger folks who are vaccinated.

Yep we aren’t really disagreeing, just aren’t doing enough to prevent risk of hospital overrun imo.

yeah 8-10% mortality isn’t anywhere near assured extinction, and in real world examples it probably is going to be skewed towards those after child-bearing age.

Covid update.

Day 4 of symptoms. Day 6 from presumed infection.

Feels like today is an inflection point. My running nose and sneezing seems to be getting much better. But I was starting to get a bit chesty and a little cough since last night.

I figure today is either when my immune system starts getting on top of this thing, or I’m in for the next round of symptoms.

Fingers crossed.


Yeah, this.

I’m actually quite happy with the COVID life for myself. On the other hand, the kids are definitely worse off. No question about that.


What’s the minimum necessary to prevent hospital overrun?

This is a strange take, the worst waves of bubonic plague killed off 30% or more of Europe, and presumably just as many elsewhere although less documented. European diseases in general were responsible for ~90% mortality in Native American populations over the course of a few decades, though to be fair this did lead to something like existential destruction of all Pre-Columbian civilizations, with only minimal interference by colonial powers.

10% of homo sapiens dying to a rapidly spreading infection is, in the long term, like dropping a box of sponges in the Amazon river.


Unclear, but doing nothing seems like it has a meaningful chance of not succeeding. Probably some combination of temp capacity restrictions on large events and good mask requirements at minimum. SAGE in the U.K. thought it would take more. I believe they suggested a return to indoor mixing restrictions and no indoor dining, at least for a short period.

Some New World indigenous groups survived 80-90% events. They lost most of their culture in the process.

What seems to come out the other side of a 90% event is just a bunch of humans who know how to survive but remember very little of the before times.

Covid has actually given me tons more time by not having to commute to work.


Like clockwork

Btw data for sf and NorCal has taken a sudden turn for the worse, but I can’t share the data I read on that

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Super long post from the yoga anti-vaxx-curious guy I tried to talk some sense into. Just an insight into a completely different weird world most of us are only vaguely aware of.


Yesterday, I was sitting at a restaurant and there was a family of 4 sitting near by. I tried not to eves drop, but the conversation had turned very emotional and the volume of the conversation pulled my attention away from what I was doing. My stomach was turning by the things that were being said by the father, so much so, that I couldn’t finish my meal and eventually got up and left.
The brief back story, was that the young lady (my guess she was about 16-17 years old) was saying that she had been infected by C-19 earlier in the year. After she recovered from the illness, she got her first shot. Her father pushed her to get it. The first shot made her incredibly sick and affected her entire body, triggering an already present nervous system disorder causing her to have spasms, tremors and twitches. Additionally, her menstruation cycle had been completely thrown off track, she had been experiencing debilitating cramps for the past three weeks, and it left her feeling incredibly weak. The tears on her face, the sniffling, and the forward rolled posture were signs that she was feeling pretty defeated by what she was going through.
As she was trying to expresss to her father what was going on with her body, the father started getting really upset at her, cutting her off…belittling her - for what she was feeling; negating what she was going through physically, emotionally, and mentally. My heart rate subtly started to elevate and I knew I needed to take some deep breathes.
Truthfully, it got to a point that I about spit my food out. There was absolutely zero empathy on his part. I know what lack of empathy looks like, because for the better part of my life, I struggled with the notion of empathy, I struggled with leaning in, I struggled with being present with other peoples feelings. I recognize it as conditioning; and what is conditioned can often times be reconditioned. #selfwork
I could tell by her monotone voice that she spoke with, that this was a standard practice protocol by him in their household. The father was dominant, the mother was docile, bending, and acted bipartisan the best she could, but I could tell she didn’t want to be in the middle of it. Her sister kept quite and was somber; not taking either side.
The father kept saying to her, that she needed to get her second shot. Like REALLY pushing it. He probably said it at least 8 times; I lost count. She kept asking her father to listen to her, but sadly he was stuck in a looping fear based narrative. Everything he said was rooted in FEAR. This fear based narrative caused him to be angry, it turned into name calling, and it left no door open to conversation with his daughter. The girl tried to change the conversation, but he kept bring it back up. The roots of fear can always be found in scarcity, lack, insecurity and ignorance.
After about 15 minutes of back and forth and him not listening - merely repeating what he had read on the news or heard on TV; she got up, left and stood outside in the cold. God help me, I hope that I am never like that to my step-kids. I felt for her - my heart sank. I knew I was supposed to be present for this and witness this.
I am not trying to demonize the father, but it is as if he couldn’t make the connection that the shot induced an imbalance in her body - she was physically trembling in front of him. His solution was: “get over it.”
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong WRONG way to approach someone going through a challenging time/trauma.
I lived by that moto “get over it” for a long long time. While it may have helped me get through some difficult times, it also set me back in some areas; my guess is that there is a balance somewhere in between. If I am being completely transparent, the conditioned thought of “get over it” still arises within me from time to time; but the fact of the matter is; you don’t just “get over” past trauma. You have to work through it, all the way to the root. It takes time, patience, understanding, and discipline.
I always do my best to assume the best out of people, so my assumption was that he was afraid of losing his daughter. Sadly, due to his lack of communication skills and lack of empathy he was not able to lean into what she was saying. His internal narrative was far to powerful for him to be able to sit in his heart with his daughter in that moment.
This is how dense common sense has become for some. When someone has an adverse reaction to a shot, stop pushing the agenda on them - immediately. Period. STAY. IN. YOUR. LANE. Listen to them; most likely it is not hysteria. Having had my own experience with an adverse reactions in the past; I am deeply sympathetic to what others are going through. I have lost count of how many people in my life who have had adverse reactions, miscarriages, rashes, shingles, autoimmune responses, myocarditis, heart attacks and more from this shot.
It was at this point, I couldn’t stomach anymore, I grabbed my check and left the restaurant. I don’t like being around toxic conversations or people if I don’t have to be.
As I was paying my bill, that was when the young lady walked out by herself. It’s at times like this, I don’t always know my place to say things, but I was in my heart with all of it, so I followed her out and spoke kindly to her in about 20-30 seconds. I told her that she needs to listen to her body. I told her in a few short sentences about my adverse reaction. I told her that no one lives in her body but her - no one should be telling her what she should be doing with it; without a level of informed consent and full disclosure. I told her she had every right to be hesitant.
I could tell that she was very thankful that someone had heard her and she felt supported. I walked off, and immediately when I got into my car, I purged into a coffee cup. A deep guttural purge from the pit of my stomach. It felt like something good got released.
I truly feel we show up in different places for different reasons. I feel I was supposed to be there, at that time, to hear her story and share it. Please know, I don’t share this story to be some sort of saint; that is not my MO, it’s the fact that we are facing these hard tough situations and berating and shaming people is not the way to go about it. It only shuts people down and it pisses them off.
I had a few take aways from all of this.

  1. Love is always the answer.
  2. Prayer…I prayed for this young woman and her family, that she has the strength to stand-up to voices that try to put her down. That her father will see his daughters truth and opens his heart.
  3. The shots don’t agree with everyone’s body - stop mandating them or making people feel less than for choosing not to get it. It’s sociopathic.
  4. Studies are inconclusive about asymptomatic individuals. Sick until proven healthy is absurd. If we are sick, then making sure we are doing the right thing is important; even I am still learning this. Let’s please use some common sense here and put a stop to the gaslighting. (This was a talking point of the dad). Even the NFL Medical Director and medical staff has spoken up about asymptomatic individuals.
  5. Panicking and berating other people for their choice; doesn’t solve the problem; it only makes it worse; and it sows division. This is what the powers that be want. It is easier to control people when you can divide them. Politicizing it; makes it even worse. #sociology101 #psychology101
  6. Science is always changing. Studies are always changing. Studies funded by pharma will almost always have a bias. I worked in the field of medical devices for 5 years, I saw first hand how studies can be manipulated to get a product to launch. I’ve also witnessed many recalls on products that didn’t work properly and had to be explanted. I don’t think all medicines are bad by any means there is a place for it all; but if we are really going to practice “following the science”, we have to keep our minds open to new information.
  7. Nothing beats kindness and genuine sincerity.
    Whether you are V’d or unV’d, I love you, appreciate you, and trust that you are making the best decision - not out of fear, but out of what is best for you and your family. Science should be questioned and observed. What we know today can be obsolete tomorrow. Clinging to a single narrative keeps us stagnant. Approach all things with an open mind and open heart.
    Love and blessings friends. Peace :green_heart::pray:t4: