COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Only if you stipulate that it’s necessary to do a complete RCT to answer this question. While I’d love to have an RCT done in the future, it’s not possible to guide this decision.

Other parts of the question from Jordan stipulated that they didn’t want antibody levels or other surrogate markers, all of which support that a booster is effective against contracting covid as well. At least in the short term.

The answer given is the best one available. A booster decreases your chance of contracting covid, even omicron. This is the widely accepted position of the scientific community based on RCTs on previous data and surrogate markers. We’ll get more information on population level studies and the length of protection in the coming weeks/months


Agreed was an issue pre COVID. I’d say COVID exacerbated as well as accelerated the issue since COVID layers on more demand for healthcare while eventually cutting workers by 20-50 percent or w/e the final number ends up as

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Yeah, that’s it exactly. A system already at strained capacity got hit by a increased demand / decreased supply event. Not great, Bob.

The hospitals are desperate for staff from what I can tell through my partner. She gets multiple calls a day from staffing agencies and is going back to work her old job that she quit in November for 6 weeks in January. They are paying her what they would have paid her in 6 months for 6 weeks of work.

One infuriating thing that I don’t see talked about much is how the unvaccinated dipshits are going to massively drive up the price of health care in the near term. Not just because it is insanely expensive to treat Covid patients but because hospitals are having to pay 5x+ to even have staff for the hospital. I mean it’s definitely not going to come out of the CEO’s/shareholders pockets.


government going to pay for it somehow I’m sure

the consensus strongly disagrees with you.



Totally am, and not that I think any of this is good. But joking at the same time?

I was eligible for this based on my location and ordered on Dec 22nd. The tests were just delivered from Amazon and they are QuickVue brand tests.

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What kind of thing would you like as a citation for this JT? CDC statement? UK gov agencies? Israel? Let me know how what you’d find acceptable for my citation, because I’m not going to do a bunch of work to you no true scotsman it.

well, there’s no reason to continue if you’re going to be recalcitrant, which is why I asked instead of gather various position statements from major health organizations. While the evidence we have is incomplete, evidence that a booster helped in that Israeli RCT is still evidence that supports it. Have a good one JT.

Booster seems to greatly improve neutralizing antibodies against Omicron, which should reduce chances of an infection.

This sounds really anti-vaxx.

I think the best answer available is that since … it is not at all clear that vaccines or boosters reduce your chance of contracting at all nevermind to a notable extent.

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Ugh, don’t start that up again.


It’s not anti-vaxx to point out it’s too early in the game to make definitive statements one way or the other about vaccine efficacy against omicron. Someone asked about boosters and omicron and the response was a study from October 7th, ~6 weeks before omicron was identified.


It’s not unknown at all. The link I showed referenced studies on Omicron.

Someone asked for specific clinical outcomes available to a booster as well, and the most up to date clinical focused RCT was given. Other information, including specific reasons why an RCT hasn’t been done yet, along with why there is other information to suggest prevention of infection was given as well for omicron specifically.

It’s not anti-vaxx to point out it’s too early in the game to make definitive statements one way or the other about vaccine efficacy against omicron.

JT’s response to claims of ‘some evidence’ was to hand waive it all away, claiming that there’s ‘no evidence’, when what he means is ‘there isn’t 100% conclusive evidence’, which is something I’ll gladly concede. I’m clearly conveying information here with proper context. He’s sealioning this thread because he’s mad at something he vaguely remembers from ~5-9 years ago.

The only person making overly definitive statements is JT, with his no evidence garbage.

I’m not sure I follow your sentence.

it is a smart thing to do to get boosted to increase your protection and maybe even reduce your chance of contracting and spreading, but it is not yet known how much it will do that and it is all together possible it will reduce it to an extent that is still far greater than an unvaxxed person was dealing with previous strains in terms of getting and passing the shit around.

Is it possible the booster can reduce your protection?

That is scary.

Would you wager with me at even money that boosters are shown to have <= 0% effectiveness against infection from the omicron variant in the next RCT that gets published?