COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

is 400k really possible though? i’m sure 400k could get sick, just not buying that there will be enough tests done and reported that quickly.

Could have some accumulated days where states that didn’t report today or yesterday report a few days combined tomorrow.

I’m seeing 121k and 96k on Worldometers, which is what I thought you were using:

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It looks like it updated more since my post. May only need 375k days now. I do expect some accumulation from the past few days but also most testing/labs were not open over the weekend so some of that is probably permanently lost.

Uh oh that bear is going to hit you with a $173,000 “out of network” invoice.




Wife confirmed positive, would be a miracle if I faded it but I’m feeling fine so far. Going to get tested today or tomorrow.

She is vaxxed and got boosted in early Nov


Christmas = total shitshow in KC. They’re dropping like flies around my family and friends - sick and pozzed. Me and my mom and stepdad (who I’m staying with) all boosted - with no symptoms and testing negative.

Everyone so far who’s sick is vaxxed, but not boosted. No one who’s vaxxed and boosted feels sick or has tested positive yet. And this extends to my friends’ families.

My cousin showed up at Christmas wearing a mask for his “cold”. I noticed his 12-year-old had the same “cold”, not wearing mask of course. Cousin didn’t want to test until after Christmas because he didn’t want to “ruin his Christmas”. He feels better now and doesn’t want to get tested.

My stepdad’s ex’s family (where his kids, and me and my mom and stepdad spent some time) is getting hit hard. My stepbrother was supposed to fly back to Singapore today and is now having to quarantine for 2 weeks. Other stepbrother drove back to Dallas today with a sick, confirmed positive kid. He’s immunocompromised and overweight - vaxxed, unsure if boosted.

There’s only one unvaxxed person I know of in the mix - my ultra-religious aunt. And so far she’s not sick thank god. But my other religious aunt who she lives with, vaxxed but probably not boosted, does feel sick, but she feels sick a lot. Other aunt is looking for a drive-thru testing place today.

Kansas City literally had the warmest Christmas on record. We could have all easily moved all festivities outside. No one would even consider such a thing, much less curtailing any activities due to covid. BUT IT’S CHRISTMAS trumps all other concerns. Boomers are like freaking wingsuit gliders it comes to Christmas. No risk is too great.


My 91 year old grandma was going leave her retirement home to go to lol Red Lobster with my aunt for my aunt’s birthday dinner this week because “she didn’t get to go last year”. Hope I talked some sense into her.


At this point, people are fatigued from all the COVID shit and I don’t blame them. Word’s out that omicron is less severe though more contagious and vaxxed/boosted people are getting it despite their best efforts to avoid it. They’ve calculated that getting this mild form of COVID is an acceptable cost of being with family, especially if they’ve gone so long without seeing them.

Seems almost inevitable that people are gonna get this barring complete isolation from humanity to me.

Yeah I’m not too worried anyone is going to die, except maybe my religious aunt. But I’m supposed to fly to Mexico on Wednesday and getting sick and/or pozzed would truly suck for me right now.

I’m really fatigued of being the only one in my family who seems to take this shit seriously. At least on my mom’s side. My 80-year-old dad is so paranoid he skipped all socialization this Christmas. My mom is worried about him like he’s becoming a hermit. They just cannot comprehend someone would actually care about omicron enough to turn down a chance to socialize.

Obviously if I had any idea about omicron I would have skipped Christmas again. But once I told my mom I was coming, I would never hear the end of it if I canceled. And to be fair, my mom is getting fuzzier and fuzzier mentally. So I think on some level she knows there won’t be too many more of these. For her the risk/reward probably makes sense.

I feel you suzzer. I’m supposed to head back to Prague on January 4th and testing positive for covid here would lead to a pain in the ass rebooking and more missed work days. I’d rather not have that.

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Morning Check In: Slept a real real solid 10 hours last night. Woke up with the exact same symptoms as yesterday - mostly just congested with minor body aches. I thought I had a sore throat but it went away with some water. Wife still doesn’t have it. Unfortunately we only have 4 tests left in the house so going to save it and maybe test tomorrow to see if I am still positive.

I’ve moved into the bedroom and have the patio door open to a beautiful 60 degree day. I’m starting up The Witcher 3 to help pass the time.


I forget - are you boosted?

Yep. 3+ weeks past. Moderna / Moderna / Pfizer Boost.

Heh, my grandma loved getting a bloody mary for her birthday at Red Lobster. Somehow old people love that place.

The biscuits + cold plate Caesar salad is pretty legit.

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In the special lighthouse glass. Collectible!

Are we still at 3 COVID+ members since the 22nd?

I’ll find out tonight if I need to get tested and if I do, tomorrow if I have COVID. So far, mom (unvaxxed, had COVID), other sis (vaxxed not boosted), and I (vaxxed/boosted) are asymptomatic as are my vaxxed sister and her boyfriend (the close contacts).