COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Well fuck, the low dose pfizer trials for 2-5 year olds failed (dose was probably too low). That’s going to push back release to 2-5 year olds significantly.

Edit: It looks like they are going to trial a third low dose shot instead of trialing higher dose shots. This probably pushes vaccine approvals for 2-5 year olds out quite a bit.

Here is a simplied version of the deaths by voting

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I’m not sure what a couple phrases here mean:

all corresponding surgeries and practices of other medical professons everyone gets tested based on exposure(do you work directly with patients and so on)

and I can’t speak for every hospital. But I haven’t heard of a single place doing surveillance testing of MDs. I’m sure it happens, but it’s rare.

I meant the hospital, doctors offices and therapy practices.

To Infect and Serve!

welp…that sucks. Guess at least my kid turns 5 next year

“I think that a third dose will give a nice boost, and honestly, this is really exciting — as we know from the adult data, three doses is probably better for omicron. And I think it’ll be good to have similar data for children,” Talaat said.

Well, thats one way to spin it. In reality everyones first dose gonna be Omicron, so, maybe just two doses after that works anyways

Depends on who is getting married. Did they vote for DeSantis?


Can someone tell me how many confirmed kills Omicron has at this point?

I remember reading about the first one which was big news. But that’s the only definite one I remember.

Death’s lag infections of course, but so far the UK at least has not seen a rise in deaths with their tremendous unbelievably absurd rise in infections, so that’s promising. Nytimes trackers don’t seem to track South Africa as well. Source:

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It’s not promising at all. It’s utterly meaningless at this point because of the lag between infection and death that you cite, as you’ll probably discover soon.

The Chief medical advisor to the UK states hospitalisations lag infection by two weeks, deaths lag hopsitalisation by two weeks = won’t have accurate picture until 29 December 2021.

The US would be ill advised to base too much crystal balling off the UK stats (we’ll be 60% boostered by xmas). Nice graph, btw. I like graphs.


one of the very few benefits to living in the deep RED, after posting in here, the next day i was able to get a vaccine booster appointment within an hour of scheduling it…


The lag time is 4-6 weeks. That rise looks like it happened in August/September. It’s absolutely meaningful, although things could change obviously.

He was talking specifically about omicron is response to this

UK infections have only been rising for a number of days, not several weeks, and we won’t see any effect on deaths until the end of the month (as the experts are saying).

UK cases have been rising since Nov 10. I suppose the time between that and now is a matter of days, but it’s also weeks and a month.

First omicron cases in UK found end of November.

I dont see any real reason yet to think Omicron will be less severe for the unvaxxed, but also dont really expect it to be more severe for the vaxxed. Think the double vaxxed prevents infection ship has sailed, but really dont think theres evidence the worst fears of this making the previously vaxxed very ill are coming to fruition.

How does the FDA vaccine squad have any credibility at all at this point? They just spent months dragging their feet on boosters and now a bunch of people are going to die because they didn’t get boosters. I would have hoped that this whole saga would have made the political leadership more assertive, not less.


that’s not clear at all

It’s not definite but it’s quite likely.