COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Do you think that anything I’ve posted in this thread is telling anyone to not get the vaccine? How receptive do you think that Topol would be to my thought process on how my breakthrough infection should impact the timing of any booster shot I get?

Chart was pre boosters im pretty sure. I honestly don’t remember if it was pre all vax and I can’t find the source right now (looked for it when I was posting orginally and couldnt find it). Obviously pre-omnicron too, for sure.

It isn’t a risk I’d be running to take right now, but it isn’t something that’s important to me and I’m certainly not isolated enough at this point to throw stones. I doubt it is worse for community spread than me sending my kids to
school and I’m doing that. If he tests and N95 I think he’s low risk to the community, probably low risk to himself but that’s his call. Maybe not cautious enough with Omicrom coming, idk, but that’s where my head is at.

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Yeah, I was actually so crystal clear on what Topol was saying in that thread that I dug it up that 3 month old thread from memory in less than a minute when Surf was talking about whether anyone considered prior infection + one dose to be as good as 2 doses because it was directly relevant to the conversation. But thanks for clarifying!


Sorry, grunching but wondering about booster timing as I want to get boosted prior to holidays.

I received first Pfizer June 6 and second on June 27. CDC says eligible if “received their Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna initial vaccine series at least six months ago”. Does this refer to the first dose, second dose or 2weeks post 2nd dose?



Your proposed course of action assumes that your infection will function close enough to a booster shot that you don’t need the booster.

In general, I think the feeling of this board is that you should make your decision using the assumption that any risk associated with the booster is so small that you can treat it as effectively zero in your calculations.

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Technically it’s the second dose but I would just got to a pharmacy and get the shot.


If you try to sign up on a website that requires you to input the date of your last dose, they will probably tell you when you are eligible.

OK? I agree that the risk of the booster is small. My point is that in my specific case the benefit of the booster is also probably quite small.

My doctor friend said they recommend boosters for those that recovered from COVID 2-4 weeks after the negative test. Probably not changing your mind because LOLANECDOTAL but figured I would throw it out there.

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Thanks for the idea. Walgreens doesn’t allow me to schedule booster appointment until Dec 28, or 6 months after 2nd dose. C’est la vie.

All I can say is good luck doing anything when full vaccination goes to three shots and you try 2+prior infection.

Get what you are trying to say Keed, really do but it’s a very odd hill to die on.


Should you assume that the benefit of the booster is not diminished by having a recent breakthrough case until proven otherwise by studies or should you assume that the benefit of the booster is diminished by having a recent breakthrough case until studies prove otherwise? If you think the latter, then why? Because it makes intuitive sense to you?

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Well it’s not changing my mind because I don’t understand the rationale and I don’t think there is possibly any evidence that shows a booster is warranted in so short a timeframe after an infection. If a doctor told me that I should get a booster two weeks after I recovered from symptomatic breakthrough covid I’d have a whole lot of questions and would be incredibly reluctant.

Who’s dying on this hill, me and my doctor trying to time my covid booster based on common sense and basic immunology or the guys in this thread determined to paint me as some sort of antivaxxer?

But you’re risk of getting seriously sick increases with every month that you don’t get boosted. I hate getting sick.

So we are just ignoring the scientific communities research and knowledge about an ongoing pandemic because you don’t understand the rationale? Yikes man.

Which one is it?

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I would consider you an anti-vaxxer if you opposed vaccine mandates, even if you personally chose to get vaccinated. That your thinking seems compatible with the “do your own research” crowd gives the impression that you would be anti-mandate. Am I wrong?