COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Of course not. It’s been obvious since Pfizer’s first reported vaccine efficacy, which was < 100%, that a vaccinated person could bring home the disease to their household.

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I don’t understand the distinction between household transmission and community transmission. I assume those are highly correlated and would interpret a study showing some sort of likelihood of household transmission as evidence in the same direction for the likelihood of community transmission.

But also that does not seem to be the issue here so ignore me please.

No one is my house in unvaxxed so there is no efficient path for me to get covid. The studies that show decreasing effectiveness of vaccinations are bad and I have the best vaccine. And new studies indicate even more effectiveness from vaccines than previously thought.

And for this I’m supposed to take a dose away from a Haitian?

Then they should get DJ Khaled instead. (“And another one!” #WeTheBoost)


This is slowly drifting into a powder keg blow up again. Please try and keep this a civil discussion.


You should at least get your flu shot. I’m going to talk you into it if it’s the last thing I do.

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I was aware of the Lancet study and agree that it doesnt necessarily show efficient transmission through the population on its own, but still thought it was a useful study.

Its part of why I posted the question yesterday about the Ireland county with 99% vaccination and an R0 above zero. I dont think its has been proven that a fully vaccinated community can transmit efficiently, but there’s a helluva lot of smoke there IMO. Ive been trying to find reasons to believe we can get to, if not herd immunity, containment through just vaccination and I really dont see a lot of evidence that we can.

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I still think the second person to catch it in the household is likely to get sicker - due to getting blasted for days with a much more massive initial dose. But I get yelled at every time I throw that out.

Household likely one of the more efficient ways to transmit a virus to/from a vaccinated person. So the way I was thinking about it was that if 25% of vaccinated household contacts got the virus and average household size is 4, then the study wasnt showing an R0 above 1 just from household transmission.

But the continued waves, some evidence of waning, this study, etc, I think the bulk of the evidence suggests that, at least with two shot vaccine regimen, we will continue to see waves of COVID for an indefinite time period. Maybe smaller waves, hopefully 5-11 vaccines knock it down, but to me the evidence, at the very least, argues that we shouldnt even be thinking about demasking for awhile and probably, on balance, arent taking enough precautions as a society even if vaccinated

I haven’t had a flu shot in 2 decades. No specific reason other ignorance I suppose. I’m going with the combo booster/flu shot next week.

Shrug. Ok. I have to take my mom to Kaiser next week. I’ll see if I can just get one then.


This is all the more reason to get a shot this year!

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What if covid goes endemic? Are you going to stay inside forever?

Covid is going endemic. We are 2 years in and there is basically zero sign it is ever fully disappearing. All you can do is get vaxed, take some basic precautions and enjoy your life.

It has always been a fairy tale that somehow Covid could be defeated. It was always going to run it’s course through the population and mitigation was the best we were ever going to do.

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Well you seemed to imply that going out to eat is not okay. So just amend my question to - will you ever go out to eat again if covid goes endemic?

With some fairly minor modifications that’s pretty much where I am at.

ETA- I don’t think you needed to delete that btw. I do think get vaccinated and wear masks where appropriate is the level of precaution we should be at now. Waiting a few more years to realize we aren’t beating Covid is pointless.



I havent seen a credible case for COVID not going endemic. We could be doing a lot more that didnt involve lockdowns, which arent really tenable and (hopefully) arent necessary. N95 masks indoors in some circumstances and regular rapid testing dont require being locked indoors and would prevent a lot of death and illness. Longer-term solution, but these mega bills passing Congress should also have more funding for improving indoor ventilation, which would help with endemic COVID and have benefits beyond COVID.

Well I mean just by existing as Americans we’re destroying the planet for all future generations right? You install solar, which should offset your damage somewhat.

So maybe donate to a Haitian relief fund and get the booster?

And are there a ton of other countries really that desperate for the vaccine right now? Feels like we might be hitting a supply glut tipping point - and now it comes down to who’s going to pay our awesome for-profit drug cos.

Earlier this year, Haiti shrugged off two offers of doses AstraZeneca — first from India and then from COVAX, the global vaccine sharing program. Case numbers at the time were low in Haiti, and COVID-19 wasn’t high on the list of concerns for Haitian officials or even many residents.

But after cases started to surge in May, health officials in Port-au-Prince decided to move forward with efforts to launch a mass immunization program. And in mid-July, the U.S. sent half a million doses of the Moderna vaccine through COVAX to the Caribbean nation.

“It’s an excellent vaccine,” says Pape. “We are very happy to have it.”

Grunching to say please get the flu shot. I’m glad you’ve faded a bad flu scare thus far, but that may not be the case for someone you helped transmit it to and it may not be the case the next time the flu decides to take hold in you.