COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

This seems like big news. I need to properly go over this, but this paper seems like strong evidence an SSRI has a mortality benefit when given to patients with Covid

I don’t fucking get it tbh. Everything seems solid on this paper at first glance. Why it works is driving me crazy. I need to know or see something else. Unlike the other drug I could prescribe this tomorrow

TOGETHER trial results were reported at a conference on like August 12, the ivermectin negative result but also this fluvoxamine positive. Fluvoxamine is an anti-inflammatory, as far as I’m aware that is the proposed mechanism of action. Why it works better than standard anti-inflammatories I have no clue.

Edit: Paper says “possible anti-viral effects” as well so who knows, maybe a multi-modal drug.

Brief googling posits anti-inflammatory action and also potentially reduces cytokine storm effect.

No idea how specific it is to the particular drug or if other SSRIs might be similar.

Have any of the data miners out there looked to see if there is a protective effect for folks already on the drug?

One of the cool docs I work with told me there exists a book by a long-time ER doc…

It’s 200 pages of abd/pelvis X-ray images of stuff people have shoved up their asses

I feel like you have to be able to keep a sense of humor through it all the be in the ER that long

FDA trial on the vaccine for 5-11 year olds shows 91% effectiveness, 0 cases of myocarditis. Not a huge sample size, but good news.


The survey also suggested that social media plays a part: pupils who spent more than 4 hours a day on social platforms were less willing to receive the vaccine than were those who spent less time on social media. “We have a generation of young people before us who are engaging with information and learning at an unparalleled scale,” Fazel says, adding that it is more important than ever to tailor public-health campaigns for kids.


In addition to the anti-inflammatory stuff that’s been mentioned, the wiki mentions a few things, like sexual dysfunction and constipation, that could be linked to a vascular impact of the drug. Since covid has been thought to be a virus not just of the respiratory system but also of the vascular system, maybe that’s the tie in? This is well out of my element, but that’s what comes to mind for me.

My mother may very well do the same thing.

Right now she’s on family leave taking care of her partner but she plans to retire instead of adhering to a vaccine mandate.

That’s about as close to zero as you can get in a poll. Not buying 5% is anywhere close.

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silver linings. retired unvaxxed are probably going to be safer from endemic corona, and it should coerce employers to raise wages.

lol this. in related news, 50% of men surveyed report having an 8 inch dick.

Also, “of unvaccinated workers” is doing a ton of work. What’s the percentage of TOTAL workers that have left their job? 1%? Less? Fuck catering to these assholes.

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They are over represented in certain professions

And to bewilderment nurses.

See ya fools.

Love the Catholics that try for religious exemption. Big kisses to Francis.

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The sexual dysfunction of SSRIs is a consequence of the seratonergic function of the drug, it’s not vascular. I’d assume constipation is the same but not sure about that.

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Santa clara County opened appointments for kids starting November 4th in anticipation.

All slots immediately filled. BIL got his 2 in but I was a few minutes late.

Deja vu from February.

But a good reminder to get booster asap. Selected Moderna to save Pfizer inventory for the under 12s.




Got my booster today as well.

Hopefully this time I get better 5G.


Received text and emails about getting boosted, but haven’t scheduled yet. Probably going to do it in the middle of the week so I can maximize down time at work due to any side effects.

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what are typical severity of symptoms when you are vaxxed and infected? as i look through the cdc list, i’l could convince myself that over the last three months i definitely had low grade symptoms of everything except serious fever, loss of taste, and vomiting, within days of each other. i only ask because i woke up with a slight fever today.

Antivax rocket scientists
