COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron



Very interesting!

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Scanned article. Not onion.

antibodies extracted from a llama named Winter have neutralized the virus

Winter is coming.


The have to be llamas injected w Covid (or a particular Covid protein) not just any llama. They make a truncated version of antibodies that have the binding/neutralizing domain but not rest of antibody structure. “Nanobodies”.

But yeah, Cletus will be slaughtering any llama he can find instead of taking a vaccine.

We have a lot of llamas in Utah. You can rent them for a day and go hiking with them and stuff like that. We also have a good share of nutters. Ingredients for future local tv news are there.

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Just finished a telehealth session with a MAGA patient I’ve been seeing for a couple of years. He began the session by saying “What do you think about what Biden is doing?” When I asked him to clarify, he started talking about the danger in evacuating to the US all of the “potential terrorists” from Afghanistan.

After some gentle attempts to assuage his fear, I switched the conversation back to him and his family issues. However, a few minutes later, almost out of the blue, he said, “You know, I’m thinking I’m going to get the vaccine.”

“Huh, what changed for you?” (He is a tradesman in a family business)

“It’s been approved. Like I told you before, I wanted to wait until it was approved.”

As we talked further, it was apparent he wasn’t joking, even though he still felt a need to state, “I’m hoping the approval isn’t just because someone got a few million dollars.”

I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


Yeah that was my thinking - that some of these people have been under a lot of pressure and thinking maybe they should get it. But in Trumpland ever admitting you were wrong is the most unpardonable sin there is. So saying they were waiting for FDA approval gives them a way to save face. Whatever works.

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Abbott not even hiding that he’s trying to kill off his entire state.

It sounds safer than ivermectin:

So everyone can mandate vaccines for measles etc, but not COVID even though the COVID vaccine is now in the same category as all the others. The eventual logical conclusion is that no one can mandate vaccines for anything.

I mean we were kind of headed down that path with increasing opt outs with the other vaccines but hopefully no one puts two and two together.

The heuristic model of infinite consumer choice has worked so well with retirement savings and health insurance, they’d be crazy not to try it with vaccines. MUH PERSONAL CHOICE!


Aren’t y’all just doubling the official numbers to get closer to the real numbers?

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Reddit mods have had enough apparently


Ohio GOP is already on it.

Back to school zoom today. Still decent protocols (masks indoors, no large indoor gatherings, vaccine days at school when people are eligible) but definitely more of a push towards “we need to get closer to normal” at a time that is quite obviously more dangerous than August 2020.

Edit: actually no, lol, these close contact rules are not gonna work. Sigh.

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