COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

As you as you can. Don’t think about it. Just do it.

Did she include a screenshot from an antivaxxer?

Who pushes myths about the vaccine and claims ivermectin works?

Gmafb jt

Amplifying trash is not helpful to this forum regardless of you personal vax behavior.

The goal of these people is to sound reasonable but then twist the information for their twisted purpose.

I expect people to call this out itt. Defending the op is not a good look.


He explicitly pushes myths about the harm from the vaccine (that apparently you believe) to his million followers. The antivax world exploded with this paper just after his video.

But sure Churchill, go ahead and watch his 40 min interview with the guy who had pericariditis or his defense of ivermectin.

Those percentages are also from obviously flawed preprints that you parrot without an ounce of critical appraisal. Woof woof

I think it’s waning, but by less than that preprint states, and you should get a booster, because a boost might take you to a higher level of protection even than you had after two. Wouldn’t mind seeing a few more studies on that last point to shore it up though.

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JT that paper is literally the trash being amplified

Pfizer is likely waning to a significant degree, but different studies report different numbers, so it’s hard to say how much with any degree of precision.

I’m not sure if immunity is waning or if delta is worse, but it’s probably a little bit of both. Regardless, the estimates in this paper are way off for the reasons stated.

Claiming that anti-vaxxers pushing this study stupidly won’t prevent any harm flies in the face of every thing we’ve learned in the past two years and is a ridiculous sweet summer child take.

Come on, please don’t post bad science from the BEE BEE CEE.

Like 4-5 people here just posted that waning will happen.

They must be on the CN approved list.


You very well know that waning effectiveness isn’t controversial. It’s the amount you posted from a nonsense antivaxxer who read a very poor paper that is controversial.

Can’t you guys troll the crypto thread or something instead for a change?

I posted the one screenshot from the ‘anti-vaxxer’ with 5x your PQE

If you stop the misrepresentation, I can stop the one screenshot from the video accurately stating the %'s from the CA study, buddy

I guess taking shots is only afforded to the (self) chosen ones.

Thanks for admitting you’ve been taking shots at people. Maybe stop or go shit up a different thread for a change?


You’re really going to go to bat for a nurse pushing ivermectin dude? Ok buddy.

I’ve never said anything like that.