COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’ve ordered a face mask that says I’m vaccinated. Will give a trip report when I get it.


The EU just ordered an additional(!) 1.8 billion doses, or 4 per every single person. Those are purely intended for refresher shots in 2022/23 in case they become necessary.
Considering there are a lot of places still struggling to get their hands on the vaccine buying enough to immunize 900 million people seems greedy.

RIP kings of the jungle?

I hear if you are fit and get lots of Vitamin D you are basically immune, so they are probably fine.


Same stat is pretty much accurate for the US also. Maybe even more considering some of these studies showing large undercounting.

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A few tigers in the Bronx Zoo got it early on. They all came out ok.

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Which vaccine?

Let’s see let’s connect this red yarn to trumpers….okay now let’s run it over here to anti vaxxers….so far so good…now hook it on beasti@&$”

This is why I didn’t take the mycology elective in school. Ironic since I have two current client projects in hyphael fungi.

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Sounds India is doing a poor job controlling their diabetes more than anything. Covid, and the steroids, will both make that harder

Beautiful weather today and almost zero masks at the packed park.

Would care but am vaccinated. So much less stress now that I am.

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Outdoors? Vaccinated or not whatever

Or you just think you are.

That I think I’m vaccinated?

You seem like a fun guy.

