COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Say I am a high risk individual that can’t be vaccinated for one reason or another, and I am out of food. I make my monthly trip to the grocery store, and try to do so as safely as I can. I get to the produce isle and need celery, but Keed is there, in the way maskless, trying to decide which green onions to select. If you were wearing a mask I could risk it and sneak by to grab my celery, but since you aren’t wearing one I have to assume you are a deplorable, actively doing everything in your power to spread the disease.

I guess I’ll go without celery this month.

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I wear a mask at the grocery store.

You won’t wear a mask because others are not?

Why is that? Are you embarrassed?

These are actually why people should wear masks. People are a bunch of sheep worried strangers are thinking poorly of them. So much so they will often not do the right thing.

Also you restaurant people realize indoor restaurants have been one of the absolutely worst locations for spreading the virus. Worst meaning highly successful in infecting lots of people.

Restaurants are one of the last places people should stop wearing masks.

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Not sure if this is the best place to put this, but I found out that my co-op apartment building got a $200k PPP loan. Doesn’t seem like the best use of funds since it effectively goes to me and the other apartment owners in the building, and I think all of the building employees are unionized so no real risk that we were going to lay people off.

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No. I’m not embarrassed. I was wearing a mask long before the mask mandate. It’s because in a room full of 100 people who are all maskless me wearing a mask is very unlikely to matter. My mask is to protect others from me right? Well the odds of me having Covid seems very low, especially compared to the average person in that room.

Also I’m going to not wear a mask while eating and drinking which is like 90% of the time I’m there. Wearing a mask the other 10% is even less likely to matter at all. I’m more than happy to do it if that’s what is happening. But when the entire staff and zero customers are masked I don’t see why I should do it. Have we really forgotten the studies about how Covid moves through restaurants? Wearing a mask for a few minutes to walk to my table is not likely to matter when I’m going to sit there for an hour talking eating and drinking with no mask.

Look I’m pro-mask. But if you are telling me I have to wear a mask in all indoor settings until Covid is eradicated well I’m out on that. Because that is never happening.

Forehead VAX’d tattoo.

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To those of you making the “we need to set a good example” argument did our behavior in the last year + convince anyone around us to change their behavior? As near as I can tell in my life the answer is no. Maybe other people had different experiences. People in my life did what they wanted, some took it seriously and some didn’t. I can’t imagine me wearing a mask through a restaurant where the staff isn’t even masked is going to suddenly turn a light bulb on for anyone 15 months in.

Not sure what to make of this. I can’t imagine a restaurant (or any business really) where the staff isn’t masked. Some of us live in different worlds I guess which is probably why everything is fucked and nobody has a clue what to do except that it’s everybody for themselves.

And to try and be clear if the staff was masked or there was any indication they wanted me to wear one I would have.

Yah I’d say anywhere the staff is masked I’d be masked, and restaurants would be masked until seated. Figured this was standard but I guess I’m in a bubble.

Tbh I figure everyone who is a decent person would treat continued mask usage after vaccination like farting in an elevator. It won’t kill anyone, but if what you do could make someone else uncomfortable and it’s free to not, pick not.

Yeah, that’s not bad, actually.

What are the terms?

The joke ----> Joke
Your head —> Head


I don’t know the details, but I heard we will not have to pay it back.

Thanks for the @
I remember hearing a recommendation for pregnant women to wait but that was months ago. I appreciate the updated info

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Lol wtf. That’s not a loan.

Lol dammit.

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Definitely sounds like you are embarrassed to be honest. Or at least socially insecure.

But don’t worry I am sure nobody will die from those 100 people. It’s all good.

Perhaps I am being too harsh. Most people are probably uncomfortable trying to set a positive example for other people. It’s fairly common. Just pretty unfortunate.

Like I said restaurants should pretty much be the last place to go mask off.

How do you eat and drink with a mask on?

I just got back from the liquor store where masks were not required and wore one. Masks weren’t required in most of Okalahoma for the entire pandemic and I wore one 100% of the time. I was so so embarrassed. Come on man that’s just a ridiculous argument 15 months in. An argument I shouldn’t be there at all makes sense. But acting like me, fully vaxed, not wearing a mask for the tiny amount of time I walk to my table somehow changes the risk in that place is beyond ludicrous.