COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That would prob be options 4-6.

Iā€™m 6 weeks past first dose - no backayrd BBQ yet for me so I wonā€™t skew the poll - got another 8 weeks before door handle licking

Also from a country where those 10 people would need to come from 2 families max given current law with no inside stuff yet - think bigger gatherings / more households / pee in another homeowners toilet possible after 17 May 2021.

Rules are for the vaccinated tooā€¦

Whatā€™s changing on 17 May in England?

If the government meets its targets for reducing Covid, itā€™s planned that:

  • People can meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors
  • Six people or two households can meet indoors
  • Domestic overnight stays allowed with people not in your household or bubble
  • Pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues can seat customers indoors
  • Up to 30 people can attend weddings and more than 30 can attend funerals
  • Remaining outdoor entertainment, such as outdoor theatres and cinemas can open
  • Indoor entertainment such as museums, theatres and cinemas can open
  • Performances and large events can restart, with limits on audience numbers
  • Hotels, hostels and B&Bs can reopen
  • Holidays abroad may be allowed
  • Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes can restart
  • Advice on social distancing between friends and family, including hugging, will be updated (but may not come into effect at this point)

I meant for the poll to reflect your own risk tolerance.

Starting to regret making the poll public, worried about a herding effect.

Would anyone object to that scenario being considered analogous to an outdoor restaurant?

What kind of food are we talking about.

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I think outdoor dining when fully vaccinated is fine. I just canā€™t because of my girls.

Are many people here really hesitant to do anything, indoor or outdoor, having been vaccinated? Iā€™ll do anything unmasked now that Iā€™m vaccinated ā€“ eat in a restaurant, work out in a gym, go to indoor parties, play poker, see a concert or comedy show, whatever. Iā€™ll wear a mask if thatā€™s the placeā€™s policy but thatā€™s it.


My prediction is that covid rates will crash this summer and then come roaring back once schools are filled up to capacity with unvaccinated children in the fall.

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Are you more worried about your girls becoming severely ill, mildly ill or spreading to others?

I had you in mind, ā€œyouā€ in the poll would include your family.

Iā€™ll see people inside or outside whether they are vaxxed or not, but Iā€™m pretty fine not eating indoors at this point, but I never really minded takeout tbh. Not super interested in any mass gatherings like concerts, and 50/50 on using my season tickets to indoor professional lacrosse in the winter. Am flying and vacationing, will probably eat indoors a few times then. No big deal.

Does anyone have a guess as to when there will be approval for under 12s?

Fauci said early 2022.


I admittedly have not kept up much with Covid the past few months so this may have been widely discussed already but have there been any studies or credible speculation on duration of immunity either from infection or the vaccine? I guess we can say it likely is at least a year or so since there have been so few examples of reinfection by now but what about much longer durations? Will we just kind of know that as we go along?

Vaccine is good for at least 30 weeks, is what we know to date - most likely way longer but 30 weeks is where weā€™re at post trials (apparently)

Immunity without vaccine would depend on variants prevalent in your area - many cases of people being infected with covid one and then reinfected with covid 2 so 12 months in that scenario is lol (sure, not everyone but reinfections are old news at this point)

At least a year is the last thing Iā€™ve seen for infection.

I donā€™t see how we can know without waiting for the time period to pass, making ā€œknow as we goā€ really the only option. Everything else is going to be guessing at how long it will last. Maybe something else will know more, but clinical significance wonā€™t be definitive until the time period passes.

Not even a little bit surprising.

Is doing any of those things unmasked and vaccinated objectionable? If so, why?

If you are going to stores unmasked then you are likely stressing out other people because they will assume that you are an unvaccinated deplorable.


I took Covid very very seriously for over a year. No travel outside of driving to tent camp. No trips to bars and restaurants. No social events. I did not see clients in my office in person except in a couple of emergency situations for over a year.

Now Iā€™m vaxed and we are reaching the stage in the US where the vax campaign is on the downturn because we are running out of non-morons (outside of ineligible kids) that are willing to get the jab. It probably isnā€™t getting much better than it is now for the foreseeable future.

As a result I have gone back to pretty much normal behavior except I wear a mask when it is prudent. So if I go to an indoor public space I am wearing a mask. I am back to doing in person appointments and I wear masks as do my clients. Outside of that I am not sure what else I can reasonably be expected to do. Iā€™m no longer willing to bear the cost of other peopleā€™s stupidity on my own quality of life. My risk to others is tiny and the risk to myself is tiny.

If not now then when? Covid is almost certainly here to stay to some extent.