COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Good news. Vaccinations about to SKYROCKET!


Sad news: The father of a guy I work with dropped dead last week from an apparent heart attack. He was 60, which while old, doesnā€™t seem quite old enough to where you just shrug it off as something thatā€™s commonplace. Especially, if they appear to be otherwise healthy and not a smoker or obese. Hell, my father is 59 and if he just keeled out of the blue, Iā€™d want it looked into. Iā€™m sure you can already guess where this is goingā€¦

I am being inundated with anti vaxx talk mostly from people I work with and I need some ammunition to combat it with. Many, refuse to wear a mask under any circumstances (my boss is the worst culprit) and now that this guyā€™s father died, theyā€™re trying to blame it on the fact he was vaxxed.

I was told to watch the video below. First, I donā€™t trust any site named bitchute. I looked it up and it was started a while ago and is labeled as conservative views (I also wonder why Trump and his ilk didnā€™t just go there?). I like to keep an open mind about things and listen to different information sources with objectivity. The problem is, Iā€™m not a virologist or a medical expert. The guy in the video states repeatedly that he has documentation to back up what heā€™s saying, but he doesnā€™t present it (he canā€™t in that setting) and I donā€™t know how to look it up.

He also claims that Trump and Guilliani were his patients. If so, my first question would be then why are they vaxxed? And the people in my office would respond they arenā€™t getting the same vaccination as the plebes. Anyway, hereā€™s the link. I know itā€™s too much to ask for anyone to watch the entire thing. But can someone just listen to enough to point out exactly where this guy is wrong so I can be ready and prepared for a discussion on Monday? I know itā€™s like asking someone else to do my homework, but this stuff really is beyond my pay grade of understanding and Iā€™m sick of not knowing how to respond to these people. I get that even people my age can drop dead out of the blue. But Iā€™d be lying if I said the thought this guy was vaxxed couldā€™ve had something to do with his death didnā€™t cross my mind at least for a secon.

I think you guys are repeatedly missing AIFs point which (if I can put words in his mouth) is that itā€™s bad for us to spend time wallowing like piggies in anger or hate. These negative emotions are addictive, whether itā€™s watching Fox News or posting on incel forums or high-fiving the pain of actually terrible people, it all serves to reinforce hate and anger in your mind and you start to want to experience it again.

I have no sympathy or empathy for Phil Valentine and his family at all because why would I? Something like 150,000 people die worldwide every single day. This asshole is the last one Iā€™m going to waste my empathy budget on. I think itā€™s funny that he died of covid and itā€™s probably good and fitting that people who spend their lives trying to undermine social trust get owned. Thatā€™s as far as it goes though, itā€™s like 20 seconds out of my day. Spending time cranking up the amygdala and working up joy or elation imagining the downfall and suffering of other people is bad for your brain and itā€™s bad to encourage other people to do it. The question of whether the object of your ill-wishing deserves it or not is beside the point.


Using this thread to celebrate death diminishes its value IMO.

I think itā€™s gross in general but I donā€™t expect other people to care about my sensibilities.

Iā€™m sure I have liked a post or two in the thread that is dedicated to it.


I feel ya but the guy is nothing but a fraud. You canā€™t really outlogic someone or something who is just a lying piece of shit.

Sorry about your coworkers dad. Something on the order of 140,000 Americans under the age of 65 die of CVD each year so itā€™s not that unusual. Thatā€™s about 5% of all deaths in a given year. Not being a smoker or obese makes it slightly more unusual but there are still a bunch of genetic risk factors.

I watched a little grab of the Zelensky video and itā€™s just nonsense. One quick example is that he said ā€œwomen miscarrying rose from 10% to 80% after vaccinationā€ and Iā€™ve seen that paper. The deal is that their denominator was the number of women with a completed pregnancy and many of the women were not 9 months in. So letā€™s say you take a group of women who are 1 to 6 months pregnant, you wait three months and ask how many miscarried OF THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE PREGNANCY and the answer is nearly 100% omg, because most of them are still pregnant. Then covidiots took that number and compared it to baseline miscarriage rate from outside the study. It was really that stupid. That was like 5 seconds of the video. Iā€™m not going to do that for every claim he makes. There is no helping people who are determined to believe some guy talking on a YooToob.


Iā€™m happy heā€™s dead because maybe something good will come out of it. Maybe some of his listeners will be scared into getting vaccinated. One less propagandist leading us into fascism. Iā€™m happy heā€™s dead for the good of the world, not because I want vengeance on one guy.

Iā€™m happy Rush is dead because he canā€™t poison minds anymore. If he was old and feeble when he died, then itā€™s a different story. Iā€™d be a lot more indifferent at that point.

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I think you are even taking AIFā€™s point a step further.

I interpreted it as AIF saying its ok to be happy about them dying but letā€™s not foster a community where we actively wish they suffer a horrible death.

I think his argument got lost in all of those vicious personal attacks he made though.


Weā€™ll have to wait until one of those things happens to tell you youā€™re wrong.

This is good! I wish you could grab an example that pertains specifically to his claim about arteries (or explain how I can research). I visited Salk Institution and they do say itā€™s been conclusively shown that SARS-CoV-2 is more of a vascular rather than respiratory problem

I donā€™t understand all the jargon about spikes, etc. But itā€™s always good to have math on your side to disarm disinformation. Thanks!

So now we are at the WC Fields conjecture.

Sitting at a fancy table, he asks the society lady next to him if she would kiss him for a $10. She thinks about and says yes. He then asks if she would sleep with him for $100.

Lady is offended, ā€œIā€™m not a whoreā€.

Fields ā€œweā€™ve already determine what you are, now we are simply negotiatingā€

So it ok to root for death, even painful death. Now we are just having a debate where to draw the line.

For the record, there is a concept called venting, releasing our inner Id so to speak. At least for me, the talk of deaths and how they died is venting.

I view rooting as just that. I canā€™t make that kick miss the uprights anymore than I can make Rush suffer more. Yet I irrationally wish those things. As a non-believer Iā€™m pretty confident I have NO influence over those events.

Typing things on the interwebs is cathartic. I choose this forum for letting this dark part of my thoughts out. I would not do anything to either cause a death, nor would I do anything to prolong someoneā€™s suffering. If you donā€™t have dark thoughts/fantasies then good for you. I suspect you are in a small minority.


Closed for transition to new thread.