COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

First of all, I’m not 100% sure that is a true statement. But I have seen a couple of sources that seem to suggest it. Here is one:

Seriously what is higher these days other than Ebola and maybe some of the worst meningitis?

100x seasonal flu.

9% is pretty darn lethal for most viruses. The OG SARS was nasty shit.

Well, I did say the same thing. Almost verbatim, in fact.


Yeah, I agree.

UVA power rating increasing



I discharged a 80 some year old covid positive guy without a workup. Vaccinated of course


How symptomatic was he?

Headache only. His niece was a “doctor” and apparently sent him in to possibly get a medication that started with “I”. I’m hoping they didn’t mean ivermectin, but I didn’t investigate long enough to find out.

My standard workup mostly depends on the patient’s oxygenation. If the patient complaining of some things that aren’t really concerning for an emergent process like chest pain or shortness of breath that could be construed as a heart attack or a PE I send them home

Local Costco back to rationing toilet paper. The pandemic is a flat circle.

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It’s a Möbius strip. The whole world got turned gradually upside down and didn’t notice yet.

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Whatever it costs to buy off Matt Taibbi, surely it’s fraction of that to buy off some relative rando to submit a falsified ivermectin study

Did he have a known exposure? If I’m supposed to get tested every time I have the sniffles or a headache I’m in trouble.

He didn’t have a known exposure. Body aches, headache, rapid test at home as was positive.

Does Biden have a Covid crisis? We asked 13 families who lost loved ones even though they were fully vaccinated.

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While rare, it is possible to die from a breakthrough COVID infection, especially if a person is elderly and obese.

Back from a week at the beach in Delaware where people are mainly acting like the pandemic is over with very few masks on indoors. Happy to see a lot of my fellow New Yorkers still masking up just walking along the sidewalk.