COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Some discouraging tidbits at the end of this article:

Murphy said that because the U.S. government purchased all of Pfizer’s doses, it technically owns them. Patients trying to get third doses or doctors giving boosters by tricking the system could be committing fraud.

“If the vaccine is technically owned by the U.S. government, then that’s fraud,” he said. “You’re defrauding the government. But if Pfizer sells to private offices, then there’s nothing they can do.”

If that’s correct and continues to be the case, then it doesn’t really matter whether kids can legally get the shot–the government still controls access through its own distribution policy, which will presumably continue to deny vaccination to kids even if their pediatrician prescribes it.


Natural breakthrough with severe illness/death is something like 1% x 1%. Let’s give a range of 1:10,000 to 1:100,000.

A booster is 1:1,000,000 or less.

I’m going to ride with the booster(s) as a 56 year old with a wife that has asthma.

That said if you are someone that is very confident in a having a good immune system and no underlying risk factors I don’t think it’s insane as long as the plan is to
A deliberately expose yourself
B quarantine until sure not contagious


If you have extraordinary confidence in your ability to not die of COVID, you won’t need to workshop ways to maximize the effects of the vaccine.

You get a broader immune response after being infected with the virus than vaccination

That’s an unexpected result. Interesting.

Either way our boosters should obviously be going to Haiti and other places that have had none.

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Not really, I posted about it April 18th…

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Sure it is. Typically vaccines produce a larger response for most viruses and there have been a few COVID studies that have seen this effect. I wish the BBC elaborated on this because I feel like I’m missing something.

Oh so we’re hiding criticism of stupid articles on covid now? It’s a dumb article. Catching covid now is not better than getting the vaccine. Ffs

More contentful criticism is unlikely to attract flags.

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Oh I’m sorry we’re asking the serious questions here, LIKE IF ITS BETTER TO GET COVID OR THE VACCINE.

Cant call the bbc fucking morons no sir!

Office of National Statistics figures show more than nine in 10 adults in the UK now have antibodies to coronavirus, either through vaccination or having been infected with the virus.

Prof Hunter said: "I’m very confident that we’re not going to see anything like the amount of disease we saw last time round [in the autumn].

“But it doesn’t mean that if we went back to living how we did two years ago that we won’t see cases increasing.”

However, while the UK as a whole could be approaching equilibrium, not everywhere will get there at the same time.

Huh? The JnJ vaccine is DNA-based. Oh, BBC whiffed on the headline, as the company claims first “plasmid” DNA vaccine, so the DNA is in a circle rather than a linear piece. It looks like it’s also the first that can be administered via a jet injector rather than a regular needle.

Either way, good news to have more manufacturers of effective vaccines.

It’s a free country, you can do what you like. It shouldn’t surprise you if low-content angerbearing gets flagged, that’s all.

It sucks that this kind of duplicated effort is needed, but as long as the US continues to be a dickhole about sharing IP, I guess nations like India and Cuba are going to need their own vaccine development programs.


Isn’t the relevant question whether it’s better to get a booster or a breakthrough?

I’m not sure that’s settled.

It is.

But it’s an obviously stupid article. The name of the game is to not get and spread a disease that kills people, even people who have already been vaccinated. Deliberately giving people a deadly disease is not winning the game! It is the opposite of that.


It might be better in terms of your protection if you suffer minimal effects. That’s what the article says.

It doesn’t say let’s all go out and spread it to each other now because that’s better than a vaccine.


It still seems like we might not know. And perhaps it depends on one’s situation. And booster strategies in general should vary too. I think this is topic we should all be more invested in as this is where we’re all at.

What vaccination strategies lead to the highest level of neutralizing Ab, immune response, in rank order?

  1. Prior covid + mRNA 1-dose
  2. Adenoviral-vector vaccine 1st dose, mRNA 2nd dose
  3. 2 doses mRNA
  4. 2 doses adenoviral vector (AZ data)