COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

A place like India could sure use some of the tens of millions of AZ doses we are sitting on, glad this country is so beholden to corporate interests we can’t donate any to them

India is the fourth largest producer of vaccines in the world. A place like India would benefit from Modi not being an idiot as well.

Corporate interests has nothing to do with that decision.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Friday called on the Biden administration to release millions of doses of AstraZeneca (AZN.L) vaccine from storage for shipment to India, Brazil and other countries hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

Thread is deviating hard away from facts and into political bias.

Alright man I know you like to be the arrogant know it all in the thread but corporate interests aren’t a monolith and it seems like the corporate interests are the reason that we are in this situation

And sorry for showing my political bias against corporations, glad they have you here to even the playing field


Your own source provides the easy work around of that clause that’s literally already been done. India makes more vaccine than just about everyone, is growing production, and there’s a method already available to get that AZ to them. So again, I’m left wondering at the evil corporate influence here.

(And again, the failure here is the Indian government - which has been utterly shit throughout this entire crisis and is simply paying the price now)

Shockingly, AZ doesn’t seem to really give a shit. They get paid either way:

“We understand other governments may have reached out to the U.S. government about donation of AstraZeneca doses, and we’ve asked the U.S. government to give thoughtful consideration to these requests,” said Gonzalo Viña, a spokesman for AstraZeneca.

AstraZeneca has asked the Biden administration to let it loan American doses to the European Union

There’s more in the article, but there was also talk about it going to Brazil. Note this article is from before the big spike in India.

Unsurprisingly, the hold is the USA government. Frankly, the reason is predictable, it would be a disaster politically if the USA gave away vaccines when they ended up needing it:

“If we have a surplus, we’re going to share it with the rest of the world,” Mr. Biden told reporters on Wednesday, speaking generally about the U.S. vaccine supply. “We’re going to start off making sure Americans are taken care of first.”


Yeah it’s pretty horrible. Our cost to benefit ratio to helping around the world is about as extreme as it’s ever going to be and we are just heismanning the world. Same goes for UK and Western Europe.

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I dunno Doctors Without Borders seems to think world governments do have influence and control over world supplies. They and many others have been pushing for the TRIPS waiver. If it’s alright I don’t know why they are still pushing for this

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Can you explain, specifically, what this has to do with this conversation?

Reports says now that at least 27 dead and that number could rise.


… they would have died anyway!

Too soon?

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Well we are basically open sign ups for vaccines in MA and mass gathering indoors are back per the UFC. Guess this is as safe as it is going to get.

Only a matter of time before people just accept a certain number of covid deaths per day as the price for going back to normal

I think we passed that point long ago.


Yes, but “officially”. Sometime this year there will be a formal acknowledgement that new vaccinations have tailed off and the amount that we are back to normal. I would expect something symbolic, like a Biden speech on July 4 declaring that we are ready to go back to a normal life and then Covid control will settle into annual reminders like the flu shot.

2nd Moderna Shot at 10AM yesterday. Took 2 Tylenol at around 8PM, Woke up at midnight drenched in sweat and shivering. 2 more Tylenol got rid of the chills, Half slept all night and woke up this morning with 99.3 degree temp. No more chills but food doesn’t sound super appetizing and still sore as hell all over my body.


You’re powering up dude. Even wolverine felt pain every time he whipped out his claws!


Poke #1 in. Bled a lot to impress the cute nurse