COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The NYC vaccine proof app is almost literally just a photo storage app and does no verification.

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They support the Sputnik vaccine at 22.

Wat. Really? Shit that place has gone downhill.

Gone? Lol

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I mean, there’s bad, there’s cesspit of toxic masculinity bad, and then there’s cesspit of toxic masculinity that believes in the Sputnik vaccine over the others bad.

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Well, they are owned by Russians now, aren’t they?


Realize this is already posted, but it occurred to me that Delta’s aim seems better than alpha.

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I check the covid thread and the NFL Offseason thread and that’s basically it. I don’t even check the OOT threads anymore like things that shouldn’t piss you off or wiki finds.

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An NFL or MLB player dying of covid would probably save 10s of 1000s of lives.

How many fucking right-wing radio hosts are there? 10,000?

It’s getting really hard to keep track of these guys.


This is just sad - he left behind 3 kids and it was completely preventable.

At least some lives might be saved out of it.


We just need enough unvaxxed people to die and inspire others.

I think that’s literally what’s happening right now with the uptick in vaccinations. At least part of it.

This is bound to happen surely.

I remember listening to one of David Pakman’s podcasts on youtube where he talked about being offered a shit ton of money to convert his show to a right wing conservative show. They were going to pay him to spew garbage and act like he was a right wing nutter. I’m betting this has happened over and over and a lot of them are just putting on an act. I just googled it and found the clip - called “I was offered a lucrative job to have a political awakening.”

I’ve heard, but not seen quantified, from researchers on the front line that Delta viral loads are markedly higher in the samples they’re sequencing than what had been common in the past with prior variants. That’s far from a perfect proxy for lethality, but I still wouldn’t be surprised if delta hits the unvaccinated harder than at least some of the prior variants on top of being more infectious.

I heard yesterday that a friend’s sister (probably in her upper 50’s) was diagnosed with covid and died five days later. I didn’t ask if she was vaccinated. Obviously likely that she wasn’t.


Grunching this post. If you’re sure you’d get away w it, def lie and get now.

As far as “they” are concerned, do they support all vaccines including Sputnik (and think it is not as good as the others). Or do they support Sputnik and not support the other vaccines. Former is not a terrible view, imo.