COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I don’t know, 16 months ago we thought 300,000 dead bodies would shock the nation and we got a collective shrug before avoiding another Trump term by like 30,000 votes.


Weird as it sounds 80+ million voting against was really something. How he got 14 million more than 2016 is super disturbing but he did not motivate folks both ways.

I’ll admit maybe there is some SSC in my post. The difference this time though is going to be the level of resentment from the vaxed vs. the unvaxxed. Maybe it won’t be over the death but it will definitely occur over new mask mandates and the like and the fact we still have to care about this issue when it should mostly be over.

There will be a clear entity to blame this go round. It wasn’t so clear with Covid 1.0.

It was the death rattle of a dying empire, IMO.

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And O’Biden funding gain-of-function research so that the virus can target Republicans, then escorting in hordes of illegals with supercovid as part of AOC’s secret White Genocide Project.

I’m sure Tucker can come up with plenty of dumb shit that his viewers want to believe when none of them choose to use the slightest bit of critical thinking anymore.

Red states also aren’t going to do mask mandates for vaxxed people or liars.


Ya I mean those people are totally gone and not really who I am talking about. I’m trying to say I think the anti-vax contingent is going to take a lot more blame from the centrist and left leaning normie class than they did the first go round.

For anyone who believes in science, so like 55% of the country lol, the people spreading and perpetuating the Covid hellscape will be a solved problem rather than speculation.


Will be at a 2000 person conference in LA next week. I’m hopeful, but not expecting good mask compliance indoors. Luckily there’s a lot of outdoor space for people to meet and gather at the venue.

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Just sorting out our mandatory tests to come visit the plague centre for the first time in 18 months. Seems an absolute racket, we’ll be forking out over £400 for them and driving a few hours for one just to get same day results. Total cost if we did these same tests here: 0 euros, and there’s about 10 places that’d do same day results within 15 mins walk of the flat. Still, can’t put a price on freedom and all that.


Thanks for clarifying you statement. I agree it obviously should not be the first course of action.

My parents (65 and 71), my sister, and my niece (3 y/o) have a trip to Key West planned for early August. They’re strongly considering canceling now. This was going to be their first trip since pre-covid, after 18 months of staying home, masking everywhere, and getting vaccinated. The unvaccinated fuckstains in the country taking this away from them is pissing me off so much. That being said, it can’t be a good idea for them to go, right? What if just my parents go and not my niece, who isn’t yet vaccinated?


Personally my feeling is that if it’s a vacation that’s gonna involve spending lots of time outside on the beach or whatever (and maybe dining in open air as much as possible) then it’s not the worst thing in the world, outside of the travel.

God help me, I’m going to FL myself in about a month (driving not flying, thankfully) and in addition to us all being vaxxed I’m hanging my hat on the fact that we really won’t be inside with a zillion people at any point, most likely.


That’s reasonable. I think they’re mostly worried about the 3 year old.

On a similar note, I go back to work tomorrow for the first time since January 2020. I’d much prefer to not have to mask, but since I’m dealing with a large number of random people for extended periods of time I think it’s the wise thing to do. Should be fun. Honestly I am looking forward to having another bit of normalcy back though.


How it started:

How it’s going:

Edit: looks like he didn’t make it. Going to be a lot more of this in the coming months. I’m trying to be sympathetic but it’s hard to be when they make their choice. And especially when we had our daughter out of school for a year and now have to talk about her being out of school for another.


Maybe I’m not callous enough, because reading these timelines-of-the-stubborn-and-now-dead, and the stories about people begging for vaccines as they are intubated, is rough.

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Agreed… Almost deleted it, but I’m so fucking angry that we sacrificed a year and a half for nothing.


I’m not trying to say it shouldn’t be posted, or isn’t fair to call out. It’s just that dying sucks IMO and the situations these folks put themselves in must be incredibly scary and I hope to never have to be that scared or in pain at the end.


Oh it’s definitely rough. It’s also what fatboy said. We sacrificed so much for the greater good and these assholes not only didn’t respect any of the community safety guidelines, but they actively tried to encourage others to do the same. Anyone who publicly pushed antivax bullshit and then goes on to get seriously sick or worse gets zero sympathy from me. It’s rough and callous, but fuck them. It’s the one (probably only) time in life these selfish dipshits are being held accountable for their actions.


Meh, they are gonna kill off a few tens of thousands of their “base” in areas that are R+60 so it won’t make the tiniest little bit of difference. And, they will get to switch gears to shaming the evil left for laughing at them when they die, whipping up a whole bunch more grievance (read: votes).


It’s going to be more than 10s of thousands. 100s of thousands.

I’d say you’re not callous enough.

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