COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Basically the anti Australia. We have 150 cases daily across our two most populous states and we are locked down. Seriously, stay safe UKers.

Big respect for your consistency.

I think even the best humans with the highest percentage grip on the levers of power are in a tough spot.

How much does each human contribute to climate change?

How many shocks can the economy take?

We are looking at infrastructure legislation where half of every dollar is borrowed from China.

We canā€™t enforce lockdowns anyways and vaccination enforcement could get you and your family assasinated and/or give way to a more expedient fascist takeover.

My heart goes out to all the kids and all of you on here raising them.

It gives me great hope and comfort that UPā€™ers are parents.


Most of the deaths were in the 50+ group which is a higher vaccinated group thatā€™s more at risk anyway.

Also many had AZ which has a lower efficacy than the Pfizer vaccine which was kept for younger people (because of the concerns about blood clots with AZ).

Apparently the Greek letter after Delta is Delta Plus -_-

Ironic given that Delta Plus is actually the name of a company in America that develops PPE.

Boy I dunno about this take.

How many deaths are we talking about here?

Itā€™s not that weird if ~everyone over 75 or 80 is vaxxed and lots of young people arenā€™t.

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He is completely wrong. 2 seconds of googling shows why this stat is idiotic. Ignore it. If 2/10 vaxxed people get it and 2/3 unvaxxed then itā€™s 50/50 lol.

Much fewer than before vaccination, as youā€™d expect - typically 1 in 1000 infected.

Edit: About 260 in total here so far (with delta, which is the totally dominant strain).

So, what kind of absolute numbers does that correspond to?

See above.

The vaccines seem to be doing a good job of preventing deaths, and the IFR is a tenth of what it was before.

Experts here are more concerned about hospitalisations and long term effects, and the potential for hospitals to become overrun with patients.

Boris sees lower IFR and pound signs.

Because a pandemic of the unvaccinated is a breeding ground for new variants, any of which might escape the vaccine.


Isnā€™t this super hostile? This is not an easy stat to look up.

My first hit for ā€œcovid deaths by age and vaccine status in the UKā€ is the following, which generally supports his point, but itā€™s not like the perfect up to the minute chart pops right up. What did you find?

The last sentence of your post? Are you inferring heā€™s suggesting vaccines donā€™t work?


The additional problem here now is that the governmentā€™s massively expensive and totally shite test and trace system is going crazy and something like 5 million people have been told to self-isolate.

Supermarket chains have raised the possibility of food shortages in the future if staff donā€™t turn up to work.

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We care about the children so much we need to lock down well behaving people who got vaccinated, but we donā€™t care enough about the kids to force wilfully ignorant dipshits to get vaxxed?

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The kinds of people that are still choosing to be unvaccinated are the most likely to not comply with lockdowns and continue superspreader events.

Every policy initiative that doesnā€™t involve punishing the anti vaxxers is self defeating. Stuff like lockdowns now needs to be combined with punative measures for the anti vaxxer crowd. The well behaving people need to know thereā€™s a reward for their sacrifice.


Well, unpopular opinion, and they are ignorant dipshits, and Iā€™m not unsympathetic to the deaths of ignorant dipshits, and libertarian streak and all, but beyond requirements for school or some classes of jobs Iā€™m very against forced vaccination. And thatā€™s not just because as policy it would backfire.

That would backfire. Imo, itā€™s imaging a world that doesnā€™t exist. There would be a reaction to these measures that would make it one step forward and two backward.

Itā€™s so incredibly demoralizing to see this play out. And the worst, stupidest, most selfish assholes around get to just go on being blissfully resentful about whatever imagined grievance the Facebook algorithm puts in front of them. I hate this timeline it just fucking sucks.