COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

In fact it’s the people who own the country want the peasants to get back to work. Peasants dying is a feature not a bug.


The people who voted for Boris Johnson giving him one of the largest majorities in recent history are having a protest against lockdowns and chanting “arrest Boris Johnson” on the very day that Boris Johnson ended all the lockdowns. That’s the logic we are working with here.

It really makes no sense, as the UK’s vaccination numbers are still climbing steadily. The US is going to do the same thing and it’s going to suck, but if the alternative is restrictions forever, you can see the logic. But in the UK the alternative is wait 3 months to get to 80+% vaccination rates!


UK on track to hit new high case #s. Good news is deaths aren’t soaring, still not great.

Are you trying to imply that now isn’t the perfect time to be fully reopening with no restrictions? A very odd position to hold imo.


It’s not all exactly as you’d expect, but close. Florida is at like 4x the rate of CA and then when you look in CA all the hot spots are in redder areas. The difference between blue area in blue state and red area in red state has got to be huge.


Going to be some interesting charts in the coming weeks.

I am sure I am missing something but if this is really now a pandemic of the unvaccinated why should shutdowns remain? The very people who circumvent them are the only ones being voluntarily vulnerable, no?

I realize this doesn’t apply to many countries where people can’t get vaccinated.


Places like UK still have people who want the vaccine but haven’t been able to get it yet. USA is basically fucked.

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One argument is kids


This is a good thread:


The US won’t shutdown. Best we can hope for is masks in schools and other public gathering places.

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Another argument is that half the people dying of covid in the UK now have been fully vaccinated.

These are skewed towards the elderly, but still.


If shutdowns are such that the unvaccinated aren’t following them anyway, then it makes no sense. If they were real, it’d be different. Still, superspreader events are ridiculous. I do not co-sign “they choose not to vaccinate, so let them die.”


My girlfriend got pretty extreme covid and she was double vaxxed months ago and followed all the precautions.

You mean deaths of vaccinated people are skewed elderly right? It’s always been super skewed elderly, but overall deaths should be less skewed now as the elderly are more vaxxed. That is the case, isn’t it?

Yes, deaths of the vaccinated.



Really? When you say ‘now’, what do you mean?

Something like 50% of the people who died of COVID in the last week were fully vaccinated?

Am I understanding that correctly?