COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Heā€™s not this rational. Things that incinerate other peopleā€™s money but stroke his fragile ego are A1 with ole Donnie Dumb Dumb.

Just turned midnight and weā€™re officially free.

Good luck England - the Worlds idiot.

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Thad some people think the govt is chipping people but got the vaccine anyway fascinates me.

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If you knew with 100% certainty that the shot contained both a tracking microchip AND a Covid vaccine (that was as effective as the clinical trials have show them to be), would you take it?

Does the microchip give me any superpowers?

Soā€¦ 9% of the vaccinated population believe they are walking around with a microchip?

Letā€™s say itā€™s just a tracker.

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For any metric that matters we are wide open.

Been denying the existence of dental plaque and orthodontics from the beginning of time, why should vaccines and safety measures be different?


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This is one of the best vaccine myth busting videos Iā€™ve ever seen.


Imagine wasting the technology on something so silly.

People will willingly pay $30 a month to be constantly tracked via implant. You donā€™t just give it away for free.

Dallas preacher tweeting out his covid experience

Tell me again why we donā€™t have vaccine passports banning the unvaccinated from risky activity?

And why do the rest of us have to pay the economic toll for the unvaccinated free loaders?

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Reviewing his Twitter he gets a solid LOL FAAFO from me.

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