COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Did not call this from MS. How long until they get fired?

Has this been posted yet?

Cliffs: Scientists at Imperial College have discovered autoantibodies which they believe are causative of long Covid, as they are present in sufferers and absent in people who recovered quickly from Covid or are Covid-naive.

“It’s hard to escape a prediction that 100,000 new infections a day equates to 10,000 to 20,000 long Covid cases a day, especially in young people. That’s a lot of damage to a lot of lives. And it’s hard to see that we’d have the healthcare provision to deal with it on that scale,” said Danny Altmann, a professor of immunology at Imperial. “All of us working on this could not be more alarmed.”


Tennessee is halting promotion of not just COVID but ALL vaccines.

Worthwhile interview with three epidemiologists about the pandemic response:

What we’ve done with school closure is that the one tattered, ratty rope ladder to help people rise and to improve their life, their wellbeing—we’ve cut that ladder. I think in the years to come, the stories will come out about what happened to these missing kids. And I think even the most ardent proponents of school closure today will look in the mirror and ask themselves what they had done. What did we do this for? The change in viral spread by closing schools is at best very, very incremental—and to no benefit at all, in some analyses. I hate to say it, but the moment Donald Trump said he was for schools reopening, I think a lot of people turned their brains off, and they opposed it totally to thwart him. And I think that is one of the worst things that has happened.



What’s are patient census among our doc/nurses (or there significant others)?

MO not looking so good IMO

Bob has been able to post stuff where he’s laughably wrong about school closures since I’ve started posting here, but sure victor thanks for your thoughts

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Churchill doesn’t get bans for going against the grain. Take your nonsense to AF please.

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No matter how abused you think you and he are, and how biased you think I am, there is no equating posting direct quotes from credentialed public health experts with posting outright falsehoods about vaccine safety and approval status that you made up yourself. It’s not remotely comparable.


Can we take this shizz over to the moderation thread so the rest of us can laugh at the continuing “open the schools!” silliness?


I can get people arguing for Long Covid-19 or not, but I just don’t see any sence in allowing kids to attent school without any meaningful precautions because the government decided to use them as actual Guinea pigs imo.


On this quote from the article, let’s not forget that this is not the fault of “people”. It is Donnie Dumb Dumb’s fault for being, and his voters for electing, a divisive, racist, narcissist bullshitter. People “turn their brains off” and oppose things he says because, ya know, he lies constantly and always puts his personal self interest ahead of the general good. So anyone saying we should have listened to Donnie Dumb Dumb about literally anything ever can eat a bag of dicks.


Down the line I don’t think it will be possible to accurately weigh the harm of closing schools against the benefit, as neither are really calculable. Plus, the decision to close schools was made with the information available at the time, so judging it with the benefit of hindsight isn’t fair at all.

I do know that my kids, in a stable home with essentially unlimited resources, struggled mightily. I do not doubt that the closing of schools caused real damage to a shitload of kids. The alternative also sucked hard.


There’s also absolutely zero evidence that people “turned their brains off” due to Trumpmania or whatever. It’s just a cheap way to offhand dismiss the very reasonable concerns people had over safety.


Exact same thing happened with hydroxychloroquine. No one waited to see if the trials actually worked or not, they just dismissed it as quackery once Trump mentioned it. I think this effect has even extended to drugs that Trump never even mentioned like

I think this is revisionist history. I recall that most people didn’t decide on HCQ until after the trials and reports came out from WHO, no?

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Even granting that Keeed’s telling is correct, it’s both completely correct to not believe a known bullshitter who obviously will say anything to avoid bad press over the pandemic and to be skeptical that a drug that is effective against a protozoan parasite would just happen be effective against a virus. Turns out that the skeptics were completely correct. Must have had their brains turned off.

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There is a big difference between saying HCQ is no good and pointing at that the studies did not show what was claimed and on top of that certain advocates were calling it a miracle drug. Methinks the collecting sciencebro position was the latter.

Slow your roll.

I will allow that if Trump is for it I’m going to be extra suspicious. But it’s not that I’m not suspicious of any dramatic claims, regardless of source.

As far as schools, of course there is a downside to not being there. This false strawman had risen from the dead today.

Again let’s control in the community and mitigate properly in the schools. These are not independent. Schools are a multiplier if done poorly. Sadly there seems to be a correlation between community spread and poor school mitigation.


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Hey if you guys were actually openminded about hydroxycholoroquine and hopeful that the trials would prove it to be effective even after Trump mentioned it, my apologies. That wasn’t my recollection of the sentiment around here and it certainly wasn’t how the lamestream media presented it.

Still anxiously awaiting bleach injection trial results. I’ll withhold judgment till then.