COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Do you also believe that the terrorists that guided the planes on 9-11 were victims? This is not a gotcha, it’s an honest question that’s an extension of the same line of thinking (that I’m not even sure I disagree with).

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Characterising it as just bad tweets is bad.

The gruesome death you described that you want us to pity her for is the same one she (albeit unwittingly) encouraged others to have. Should we not pity them and curse her behaviour?

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Should note that there’s a distinction between not feeling sympathy and celebrating one’s death.

Seemed to me that most were doing the former because I didn’t see any dancing Ghanian pallbearers

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It’s not just about death. Death is easy. What CaffeineNeeded described was a prolonged agonizing process of dying that would amount to torture if purposely inflicted.

I’m somewhat with you on being unsympathetic to the deaths of these types of people. But to lack any sort of empathy for those who’s fate is a torturous death is borderline sociopathic imo

Are you okay with the death penalty? If an arsonist kills a family of 5, would setting them on fire be an appropriate form of punishment in your word view?

No, but if they died in the fire they helped create I wouldn’t mourn them, despite burning to death being an awful way to go.

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I’m not saying you should mourn or even care about their death, but if it was too late for other victims, would you rescue them from burning alive and suffering the same fate if you could?

No, but I think you are misconstruing the position. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be saved, I’m saying my reaction to her death is a big shrug.

As one of the ones who started this derail hopefully I can help put an end to it. For one, I’m glad that our doctors have much more empathy than I do for people like this. Seems like a helpful trait for people in that profession, and a net positive.

I also don’t think this is a clear black-and-white issue; there are plenty of factors involved that could swing in both directions. What if she did everything the same, but didn’t have her nurse letters on her Twitter handle and was just posting as a rando? What if she didn’t post about it at all and kept her thoughts to herself? In the other direction, what if she allowed her beliefs to influence how she treated patients? I’m sure everyone here has a slightly different line depending on circumstances and can imagine some combination of factors that would move her over that line, in whatever direction needed.

She’s also bearing the brunt of societal frustration. Maybe that’s not fair–actually, no, it isn’t fair. She’s a drop in the bucket when it comes to the deluge of disinformation that has plagued our country during this pandemic. But it’s also unsurprising that people would take out their frustrations on her, at least until prominent anti-vax politicians start dropping dead (lol they won’t, evil never dies).

She was both a victim of and a contributor to our COVID disinformation problem. I think her perceived position of authority elevated her harm above that of a normal person and I am not able to be sad about her death, but I appreciate that others are still able to see her as a net victim.


That’s a poor analogy that fails to take into account the large number of people who I neither want dead nor want alive.

Edit; pretty much what hokie said

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Yes the point here is that unless you are an absolutist on this issue – you react to everyone’s death exactly the same way regardless of their actions, their life experiences, and the irony of how their death relates to the former two, then we’re just observing that different people are at different places on that continuum. And there will always be someone holier than you to come along and call you a piece of shit or whatever.


The whole thing is worth reading. But basically, 34 years ago the Tennessee Supreme Court set guidelines around providing medical care to minors without parental consent. This woman reminded doctors of that fact and was fired. And also

What’s more is that the leadership of the Tennessee Department of Health has reacted to the sabre rattling from the Government Operations Committee by halting ALL vaccination outreach for children. Not just COVID-19 vaccine outreach for teens, but ALL communications around vaccines of any kind. No back-to-school messaging to the more than 30,000 parents who did not get their children measles vaccines last year due to the pandemic. No messaging around human papilloma virus vaccine to the residents of the state with one of the highest HPV cancer rates in the country. No observation of National Immunization Awareness Month in August. No reminders to the parents of teens who are late in receiving their second COVID-19 vaccine. THIS is a failure of public health to protect the people of Tennessee and THAT is what is “reprehensible”. When the people elected and appointed to lead this state put their political gains ahead of the public good, they have betrayed the people who have trusted them with their lives.

I am ashamed of them. I am afraid for my state. I am angry for the amazing people of the Tennessee Department of Health who have been mistreated by an uneducated public and leaders who have only their own interests in mind. And I am deeply saddened for the people of Tennessee, who will continue to become sick and die from this vaccine-preventable disease because they choose to listen to the nonsense spread by ignorant people.

At this point, you are going to get vaccinated or you are going to get sick. Yes, not getting the vaccine is a personal choice. It’s true that you are likely to survive COVID-19. It’s the 1 out of every 542 people surrounding you that will suffer the consequences of an unfortunate decision to remain vulnerable to this horrible disease.

May God bless the people of Tennessee.


CaffeineNeeded is right about this one. imo.


Another antifa plant IMO

Cases did go up but quoting this is stupid. Last week was coming off a holiday weekend.

Trending in the UK is “the nuremberg code” - because requiring care home staff to be vaccinated is the same as nazi medical experiments.

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Just watch this 3 hour video to find out all about it!


Say that TN no vaccine news.

Killing your kids to own the libs