COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

She was an ER nurse during a pandemic who would tell anyone who listened that the pandemic isn’t real.

There’s a real chance that other people are dead because of her.


But guise she didn’t make any money being a lying moron getting people killed so she’s a victim.

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Bad internet posting isn’t enough for me to laugh at someone’s death on, although maybe I’ve had enough bad posts in my time.

@catfacemeowmers doubtful, and I know this kind of nurse. I work with this kind of nurse. I would be devastated if they died.

You guys just don’t have a personal enough point of view on this. It’s far more easy when it’s all abstract people you can’t relate with.


This is one of those situations where you’re both right. She is a victim and she was also causing a lot of real world harm that may have directly led to other people dying and being victims because of her.

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She’s dead because she fell prey to a propaganda machine. She’s a victim.

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Ya put me in the category of not feeling bad for her at all. Her family sure.

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Like Hokie said she was actively harming people with her own ignorance. She knew people could die from Covid. She was actively advocating for other people to not get the vaccine. That is much different than if she just made that choice herself.

She was a medical professional spreading information that could kill people. She was the disinformation machine.

You should probably re-think your posts wrt this, I’m not saying you’re actually wrong to care for the ones affected by the propaganda but your wrong to throw out the

As there’s posters here who have to interact as much if not more than you do with the people affected by the mass misinformation campaign that’s affected us all, ALL means everyone and its why I didn’t like anyone being banned for abusive posts during Covid-19 and won’t ask you you to eat one either, instead please re-think before throwing out the cuss words at ALL the forum.

There’s some posters here who have worked all through Covid-19 with very little breaks in between and found it extremely tough to be able to still feed their family’s etc.


Yeah but also a victimizer of those less knowledgeable who looked to her as a source of reliable, accurate information and were fed lies severe enough to kill them.

This reasoning is completely reductive since ALL human action is the result of our genetics + experience, therefore we can’t really judge anyone’s behavior no matter how bad. Which of course is true, strictly speaking, but in reality we all decide where we draw the line in terms of believing that someone has free will to not be bad/stupid/etc.

Fwiw, I think you are way over the top with your moralizing on this one.


A wise man once noted this observation in simpler terms:

“Every time I speak of the haters and losers I do so with great love and affection. They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!”

― Donald J. Trump.

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Nope. Stand by it 100%. Don’t care if you feel otherwise. Don’t care if I catch a ban for it. Shitting on this woman’s death is bullshit. Dehumanizing people like this is wrong, no matter how you wrap up that turd.

So you want to include all the posters including the innocent too? That seems absurd tbh, I mean wtf has @MrWookie done to deserve this kind of ridicule? I’ll never know.

That’s the part you should take back and name the accused.

Will take whatever heat for noting:

A clear nominee and WINNAR.

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Hard disagree. F the people who try to kill my meemaw. Better they die than she, and if that makes me a scumbag I’ll wear it with pride.

You can spare me with the BUT SHE MADE BAD POSTS ON TWITTER. Nope don’t give a shit.

She also worked through a pandemic. That’s real actual work, not internet bullshit.

Several of you have brought up trained medical professional and whatnot, but y’all are severely overestimating the actual scientific training that nurses have. They get rudimentary stuff in college and it’s essentially never followed up. She wasn’t much more informed about this than a random with a college degree.

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You’re going to have to be a little more subtle with this if you want an actual reaction.

As I said with the post that got instantly deleted… You should clarify the “you guys” instead of trying to leave doubt.

That’s it, and as your replying to some posters whom said stuff that I don’t really like too, I’ll let you carry on.

I’ll take your totally sincere and honest criticism and ignore it. thanks though.