COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Did he mention what other countries are doing with respect to this type of testing?

To the surprise of exactly zero people, Rob Schneider is a moron.

Um, wtf does that have to do with the second amendment?

[I went back because this genomic testing was one of the more interesting aspects of the book. Not sure if this was clear in the original post, but the general idea is that viruses mutate at known rates, so you can use the genetic distance from one positive test to another to assess how close in the transmission chain the two positive cases were. This type of sequencing had apparently been used to trace a particular strain of tuberculosis. But it’s only possible for viruses that mutates at a particular rate; herpes mutates too slowly for this to be useful, while the common cold mutates too quickly. COVID is in a sweet spot, where it mutates every one or two times it travels from person to person.]

The book says that in February 2021, the US was sequencing about one-third of 1 percent, while the UK was sequencing 10 percent. It also says that Denmark had a goal of sequencing all positive tests, but doesn’t say what their actual rate is/was.

But the real focus was on the fact that a particular company, Biohub, had the capacity to do it, but no one would send samples to them. They did test a four-square-block area in San Francisco, which led to this virus family tree:

So we had this situation in April 2020 when Biohub was begging the state of California to let them test for the virus and track it via genomic sequencing, but no one was responding. As to why, (I’m going more on memory here), there were a few reasons:

  1. Inertia. Hospitals were set up to send their samples to contracted vendors like Quest Diagnostics, who had agreed to then send those samples to the CDC. Hospitals were afraid that if they sent samples to Biohub, Quest might cancel the contract. And Quest wasn’t willing to send them to Biohub unless they paid some exhorbitant amount per sample.

  2. Stupid computer systems - Biohub was offering to test/sequence samples for free, but some hospital systems were unable to process such transfers without a cost.

  3. Perceived privacy concerns. It’s one thing for an individual to provide a sample to get tested positive vs. negative. It’s entirely different for a positive individual to have their positive test sequence and identified as being genetically close to other tests. (For example, a very close genetic link between Person A’s and Person B’s positive tests might reveal the fact they’re having an affair.)

  4. Amplifying the privacy concerns, Biohub’s full name is Chan Zuckerberg Biohub - it was established with a $600 million endowment from Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla. It’s easy to see the bad publicity that could attach to “Facebook collecting your COVID test samples”, even if that didn’t reflect reality.


Thanks! Fantastic info! A few more of these and I’ll feel like I won’t actually need to read the book (I still probably will; it’s in the queue.).

He’s saying the 2nd amendment is [meant] for this [situation]. Meaning, if the government tries to compel you to get vaccinated, be prepared to resist with armed force.

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Oh rotfl.



Duh. We’re supposed to shoot doctors that give vaccines. Like we’re supposed to do to doctors that give abortions.

Have you even read the bibble?

So , short answer… capitalism?

UK opening up but Boris has some good news

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Fucked around, found out. Zero sympathy. My only hope is that she didn’t spread it to any patients.


I hope the patients she discouraged didn’t get COVID and die.

People are terrible.

This idea that the covid virus is a test run for [unclear] New World Order illuminati argle bargle seems to be very popular.

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I considered deleting my post after reading yours because you’re right, she is a victim in the larger picture here and she has family, but after going back to look at her posts I’m going to leave it up and double down. She was spreading the disinformation from a position of perceived authority. “Corona tests are fake” and explicitly saying “Do. Not. Get. It.” as a response to a CNN article, while having her letters in her twitter header. Just not getting the vaccine would be bad enough from someone in a healthcare setting who should know better; she took it up a notch by spreading the disinformation further while emphasizing her healthcare credentials. I feel for her family–plenty here have shitty family members too, and it’d be awful to see one of them die. But I’m not going to shed a tear for her and instead just hope that she didn’t actually kill anyone else by spreading COVID or convincing them not to get vaccinated.