COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The Com-Cov study, which looked at giving the doses four weeks apart in 850 volunteers aged 50 and above, found:

  • AZ followed by Pfizer induced higher antibodies and T cell responses than Pfizer followed by AZ
  • Both of these mixes induced higher antibodies than two doses of AZ
  • The highest antibody response was seen after two doses of Pfizer, and the highest T cell response from AZ followed by Pfizer

I was gonna wait for the latest poll about doses, but fuck it. I got my 2nd dose yesterday!

Pfizer gang!


Seems like Pfizer is pulling the bulk of the weight there no?

Itā€™s good in where there is an option for second shot to be pfizer.

If and when a sub forum is opened, I will reply to your question - until then, i face a two month ban if wookie doesnā€™t agree with my response


Maybe AZ shouldnā€™t have bothered in your opinion

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Iā€™m not saying they shouldnā€™t have bothered but if you have the choice of two pfizer or two moderna I would offer that up before a hybrid. And even that you want the AZ first.

I donā€™t find those results surprising.

Is there mention of efficacy vs just one dose of either?

As one would expect, COVID is completely over in Panama City Beach, Florida. Weā€™re at a condo resort here and if I wore a mask, Iā€™d be the only one. Feels not great being in a packed elevator every day, despite being vaxxed.

A few people wore masks at Walmart when we made a supply run. My kids wanted to, so we did.

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It was like that in October 2020 too. At the time, wearing a mask on the elevator was a good way to ensure no one else hopped on at least.

I have my second appointment tomorrow, joining the Pfiderna gang.


Got #2 today just outside Toronto, mod/mod. Feels good!


The quality of face masks healthcare workers wear makes a huge difference to their risk of coronavirus infection, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust research has found.

wow - whoā€™d have thunk it :roll_eyes:

Mask orders are likely coming back to LA due to Delta variant. It was fun while it lasted.

To clarify: The county just issued a recommendation for everyone to wear masks indoors. Just advisory so far, but their advisories have been precursors to orders in the past.

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Sydney, Darwin, Perth and Brisbane - all capital cities - are now in lockdown.

More than 20 million Australians, around 80% of the population, are living under restrictions - the highest number since a national lockdown at the start of the pandemic.

Yeah the beer in Canadian arenas is just unbelievably bad. There used to be one little beer station that sold Lagunitas IPA which is an OK but not amazing beer.

Havenā€™t been to ACC in a while, surprised there isnā€™t a stand or upscale bar with local craft options. MTS centre has this, was in Minn pre pandemic and their nba/nfl stadiums have good beer selections as well.

I think a lot of these countries who avoided Covid most of the pandemic so far though they had it figured out and rested on their laurels a bit.

I realize vaccines can be hard to get but that some countries sat back and said weā€™re cool weā€™ll wait while polite, was fairly irresponsible to their own citizenry.

I am not saying Australia is or is not in that group, just that there are a few countries who felt they did enough. Variants were always a legitimate concern and so far vaccines have been the best longer term defense.

I wish Australia nothing but luck in their year late Covid experience.

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Macrobreweries have monopoly arrangements with the ACC. Skydome used to be awful too but I havenā€™t been to either on a while.

2 days laterā€¦

Learn to live with it and fuck the vulnerable seems to be the UKā€™s official guidance now.

Looks like shitā€™s getting bad again in the Czech Republic.

Or really just Prague and to a lesser extent its surroundings. Most of the countryside is really good. A bunch of rural regions havenā€™t reported a single covid case in the last week.

No coincidence that itā€™s touristy areas that are being hit. The R rate for the country is now at 0.97 and itā€™s probably way higher in Prague. Damn Delta virus.

Hoping that Bulgaria holds out because Iā€™ll be going there in a couple of weeks and donā€™t want shit ruined.

There was so much mask/COVID fatigue here before this. I donā€™t think a new mask requirement will have any effect at all. Some people who are still wearing masks currently (like me) will continue to do so. But I really donā€™t think people who have already taken off the masks are going to start again. And as usual, enforcement will be dumped on minimum-wage retail employees.