COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun


People are mad our province released our summer plan, tying reopening to vaccination rates. Idk, seems fine to me? We were recently worst in NA.

What are they mad about? Is it anti-vaxxers complaining about any suggestion that vaccines are good or necessary?

Bunch of bitching anti-vaxers complaining about that.

Hundreds of posts since my last check in. Is it Churchill being a fucking idiot per usual or is it worth reading?

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I’m being an idiot but it’s still unproven one side of the atlantic

Just read Smaccs posts and you’ll get the jist

Thanks for thinking of me

You’ll be shocked to find out that the actual epicenter of covid-19 was Barcelona in March of 2019. Churchill has two positive qRT-PCR assays (out of five) that prove it.


you be shocked to learn covid assays where only recorded May 2020 and a undiscovered disease, frozen in time was confirmed from having 2 of the unmutated (by May 2020) assays 10 months earlier

France in October 2019 as good as confirmed

Earlier is not impossible.

They’ve been playing a shell game with rubes for the past 18 months and the rubes keep falling for it. They keep taking deposits promising certificates worth the deposits + 30 percent if the cruise is cancelled, and then they jack the rates of the cruise like 40-50 percent. The deposits are how they’ve stayed afloat.

Cite or ban

I’m not saying I’d set foot on a cruise ship either. Only pointing out that this wasn’t quite as high risk as it might have first appeared. I agree with @CaffeineNeeded, given that it’s a guaranteed 100 percent vaccinated persons cruise plus everyone tests on the front end it’s probably one of the safest forms of travel/vacation right now. On the other hand, I wouldn’t do any vacationing right now.

I predict a graph is incoming!

I mean, I went to the coast over Memorial Day. AirBnB house with ourselves, my folks, one family friend, all vaccinated except for the girls. Food was all takeout or eat in. Only thing indoors outside of the house was about 45 minutes in a small aquarium, masked, and we bailed before it got too crowded. Seems a lot safer than a vaxxed cruise. Doesn’t seem all that hard to be safer than a vaxxed cruise at all, really.

I guess I’ll modify my statement above to “safer then any other vacation where you are around a lot of people.” I mean, yeah, an Airbnb setup like you describe is fine obviously. I don’t think the cruise is more dangerous though then, for example, the posters who went to vegas and played in the casinos. (Not judging them, but I think that was more dangerous then a fully vaxxed cruise).

Yeah, it’s also not hard to be a whole lot less safe than a cruise where they’re legit checking that everyone is vaxxed.

“Vaxxed cruise” was technically 95% fully Vaxxed.

I think its mostly just anti Pallister, lack of leadership/communication grumbling from my circles. Don’t doubt there are other angles.

Eh, If I didn’t have kids seems pretty safe to vacation right now as a vaxxed. Especially to a blue state.

The full YOLO cat is out the bag, vax rates are slowing, it is summer, and vaccine immunity is strong given all vax were still pretty recent. This is probably as safe as it is gonna get for the medium term.


Guess there’s no lambo in their future.