COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I was going to quote you Dan as one of 2 people here who have warned us… You’ve been an absolute hero here mate.



Yeah, the reason I’m not worried is just current society has 0 percent chance of stopping this if it is going to evolve to escape vaccines, so why worry about it.

Unstuck is like 95th percentile careful about COVID and wearing masks while we finish vaccinating, the least intrusive NPI, was a topic of some controversy. Not meant as criticism, just acknowledgement of the difficulty at containing spread given the other end of the spectrum is 20 percent of America trying to stick keys on the vaccinated.

Still seems like vax likely to prevent most to nearly all bad outcomes, but I also expect almost everyone still catches COVID eventually.

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Aw thanks. I do raise an eyebrow of huh? on the fully vaxxed deaths number.

But yeah, c’mon Pfizer and Moderna. Where is my Delta Booster Rocket shot?

If vaccines were rolled out by age, then “fully vaccinated” vs. “partially vaccinated” vs. “unvaccinated” is basically sorting cases by age of patient. So unless you control for age in those death counts, you’re probably just finding that old people (who were vaccinated earlier) are more likely to die than younger people.

Not a defense or refutation of anything, just a possible explanation for the pattern in the data.


Can you try to explain a bit like I’m a 5 year old…

As I try to only post verifiable sources, I feel bad when they raise an eyebrow, especially from yourself. :sweat_smile:

I think this explains it for me… :+1:

Just spitballing, but could it also depend on the age distribution of fully vaccinated vs partially vaxxed? With the Alpha version, the elderly were more vulnerable, right? So, is it possible that (a) even though vaccinations reduce mortality rates, a fully vaccinated older person is still at more risk than a fully vaccinated younger person and (b) because of the way vaccine distribution was handled, older folks and immune compromised people make up a greater % of the fully vaxxed population compared to the demographics of the partially vaxxed group?


I guess we’ll just have to wait for Churchill to come out of the penalty box to explain it to us.


This makes sense. That’s how most places rolled out vaccines I think.

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All this. Seems like a big percent of total deaths fully vaxxed.

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And their behaviors. Its expected that fully vaxxed people will let their guards down more.

For your eyes :point_up_2: some homework :blush:

Won’t be a lot of homework. Fight delay yesterday. Got home at 1:30am and got surge priced on my ride home but still had to get up because I got a nail in my leased car and an early appt at the BMW dealership.

I am a zombie today.

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Sad, especially at 1.30am :grimacing:

Apparently multiple planes landed after midnight.

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It would be great to know age cohorts and AZ vs. Pfizer on the vaccinated hospitalizations and deaths.

FYI the study link the tweet author provides is wrong. This is the correct one:

In table 6, deaths is defined as “Total deaths in any setting (regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of positive specimen date.”

I’m missing something. Pretty much all are showing more deaths in the vaccinated which makes no sense.

Table 18 of that report shows that COVID vaccines are highly effective against the Delta variant, especially after 2 doses.


Absent any other information, I think it has to be the case that the death counts are driven by age rather than some weird vulnerability in the vaccine.


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If variants are a problem in the UK imagine what is happening in Africa where about 5% of people are vaccinated.


Cruises are back, baby!