COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun


Well the Indian variant has been found in 5 people in Czechia.

Let’s see what happens now.

Delta you mean.



Getting Covid-19 in late December 2019 does not sound so far fetched now?

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If you call it by the Greek letter name, how are we to know which country to blame?

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I thought we all agreed to blame Greece?


This doesn’t support your assertion

Yeah but the percentage of people who did versus the number who think they might have had it then is minuscule.

What ya want my family’s positive certificate

Edit: I’ll hope in when I’m passing over the weekend and photocopy his positive for Covid certification and get it to you as soon as possible… Ya right fuck I will.


I truly don’t give a shit, but that post doesn’t support your wild assertion

Yeah you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be here itt…

Want the video with HIS Words? As its obviously we’re it is on a search of the Web…

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I know someone who is adamant that their partner (who is allergic to penicillin) had a severe covid reaction from their second needle but refused to go to the hospital. They were feeling light headed and tingly along their injection side, went home anyway, then claim to have had partial numbness and weakness on that entire side for the entire day, gradually getting worse.

They panicked but refused medical attention. Got better by the next day. Now hearing this all second hand. Refused to answer any of my follow up questions. shrug

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His words? I really don’t get why you’re going on about this

Jman said Covid-19 wasn’t around in 19 :grimacing: maybe he meant in the USA which is possible but it was definitely around these parts.

And now you want to dismiss my family suffering and put in down to what? The common cold? The Flu? Maybe just maybe he actually had Covid-19 in 2019 when the pandemic was at its start, maybe that is Infact more plausible than the Flu.

How about a little compassion from you and Jman instead of the Na we don’t believe you bullshit.

I should go back and dig out the responses from June last year when Im sure I posted the video or where it was shown.

COVID-19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

Oh identified, so Jman better dismiss my family’s pain.


One important thing to take away from this article is that studies that focus on antibody generation are not equivalent to studies that look at health outcomes. They may be correlated, but there is much more to the immune system than antibodies.


He said it hadn’t been identified yet. He seems to be correct, at least according to the wikipedia timeline. In December 2019 all that was known was there was a cluster of pneumonia cases, but the cause had yet to be identified. Per the wiki timeline, Jan 9th is the first reported date of identification of the agent.

There’s no need to be so overdramatic. No one is dismissing your ‘family suffering’ ffs. Plenty of bad things can happen that aren’t covid. If your family was in the UK, the UK was in the middle of a flu outbreak and would not have a confirmed positive case of covid until Jan 31st. You are claiming that someone in your family, if they lived in the UK, was the first case of covid by more than a month. That’s very unlikely.


Lol at putting suffering in quotes

Smacc, they are clearly trolling you at this point.