COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


To date we have one available vaccine (Pfizer) in the UK, just 2.4m doses delivered and presumably only loooking for 1.2m 85yr+ peeps so we can guarantee 2nd doses in three weeks.

As from Monday 4th the UK will have a huge supply of Oxford (rising to 40m doses before end March?) and a further 10,000 pre-trained medics and volunteers doing the jabbing at a place near you (if all is to be believed).

I think slow has been more down to supply than getting it in arms. 1m have been vaccinated off Pfizer 2.4m doses to date… hence Oxford approval

As of 27 December, 944,539 people in the UK had received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.

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Making maximum do an awful lot of work there.

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Pfizer sound terrified by the prospect…

In its statement, Pfizer said surveillance is needed on any alternative vaccination schedules, and that authorities should work to ensure each recipient is afforded the maximum possible protection.

“Data from the Phase 3 study demonstrated that, although partial protection from the vaccine appears to begin as early as 12 days after the first dose, two doses of the vaccine are required to provide the maximum protection against the disease, a vaccine efficacy of 95%,” Pfizer said in its statement.

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About 110,000 shots from 358,000 delivered in say 2.5 weeks. Need to keep 179,000 back for 2nd doses in 3 or 4 (?) weeks time. 69,000 required over the next 5-7 days seems usual.

Maybe it doesn’t need to be 24-7 if supply past 3 weeks isn’t guaranteed? Be terrible for NYC to be stating they run out.

Do we know when WH will be in a position to add to the states allocation?

Not vaccinating according to the only proven schedule we have is fucking stupid. Delays in vaccination are also not caused by the second shot, it’s the incompetence of the rollout. Do it right and faster


I’d be happier waiting longer for my first shot plus second shot after 3 weeks if more double-shot vaccines could be given to the most vulnerable and front line health workers.

We’ve had 9 months of this shit - people have to show more self-discipline for another few months and we’re well on the way to getting out of this mess.


Not only is it unlikely that anyone here could do better at rolling this out, it’s quite possible that there is not any realistic way to roll it out significantly better. You don’t just get to say “hurry up” and automatically have hundreds of thousands of people deliver and administer billions of vaccines faster. Maybe “treat this like war” would work, but then, like, the US basically spent 2 or 3 years building up like crazy before entering Europe in earnest in WWII - as you Brits know.

I agree that distributing the vaccine is a challenge, but I also think most people here would have figured out a better plan than the current US administration


at the cost of all 65yrs+ having almost certain non-death outcomes, I’m going for UP TO 12 weeks between, and trust those monitoring will wind that in quickly, if immunity is shown to be rapidly fading within say 4-7 weeks of first dose.

As a reminder to others, Oxford (not Pfizer or this Moderna vaccine which isn’t on UK radars) had 4 - 24 week gaps between first and second doses as part of the trial. Initial anaylsis has been done.

How has Israel already vaccinated 11% of their population? Do they have 10x more Walgreens per capita or something?


On a non-large set of data, though, which is why they unscientifically merged two sets into one to claim a higher efficacy.

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Wasn’t this the half dose, full dose?

Agreed the data sets for 4 - 24 weeks not large

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Israel’s doing a great job for sure, but not really a fair comparison to US. Much smaller population and geographic area and much high population density.


The US is a world leader in vaccinations per capita. Only 4 countries have more and the UK is the only one that has more than 10m people and it doesn’t lead by much.

It says something about Israel - and it’s a very different country in a lot of ways. I just hope they aren’t vaccinating the non-Jews inside Israel at a lower rate.

You spend months testing a potential vaccine under controlled conditions, then change one of those conditions when you put it “live” because it “should still work the same” lol. Brainless and desperate.


And NYC’s excuse is?

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