COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Conservatives used to be so compliant.

Respectfully, the country has changed a whole bunch in the decades following 9-11, and being mad at brown people didnā€™t really require any sacrifice from regular folks.

My wild speculation is if you graph the general publicā€™s willingness to personally sacrifice comfort for their fellow man, youā€™d see it dropping down from a high in WW1/WW2 down through Vietnam, down to about zero post-Internet/social media.

At least the threat would need to be FAR greater than COVID to break through generations of hyper selfishness. Like, 50k daily deaths minimum.

Just one guyā€™s hopeless opinion.

Edit to add I do not disagree that Trump could have made things orders of magnitude better by not militarizing stupidity, but at the same time that was never going to happen.

Airline trade association. There probably is a good book on this, but if not, someone should write one. Business associations, starting with the Chamber of Commerce (the biggest lobby group in the US), are a big part of the very effective capture of government and often public opinion as well.

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Apologies if ponied, but apparently some of the doses intentionally spoiled by that pharmacist in Milwaukee were actually administered to patients. Wonder if the tracking is good enough to identify everyone who got the spoiled shots?

Right, so what Iā€m saying is, storage of the moderna vaccine isnā€™t hard. Any retail freezer will do it.

The MAGA crowd still has to abide by some sense of internal logic. You canā€™t just point them in a direction and invent a reasoning and expect them to follow.

Their basic sense is that the left is wrong about everything and if they want you to do something, then you should probably do something else. Theyā€™ll turn on Republicans who suggest that liberals might be right about something.

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Iā€™ve seen people document the batch and vial for each shot given, so they can. Just a matter of if they did that.

Also, complicating things, is that the vast majority of drugs are good well beyond their expiration date and refrigeration requirements. Rules are pretty strict on things like that, and for good reason, but these people might still be protected just fine.

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He got them to flip from seeing stimulus checks as a socialist giveaway to supporting them overnight with a tweet. And its not nearly the first time he got the flock to flip on an issue. If he came out strongly on masks and isolation not all but many would of done their duty for their king.


Holler, when CDC guidelines have been sited itt in the past a whole shitstorm started about OFS. So now they really valid?

I think weā€™re all in perfect agreement on that.

if liberals were refusing to wear masks, maga crowd would enjoy giving them a choice of wearing maga masks or a paddy wagon. Gope would be bold enough to lock people up house arrest, tracking their phones, qr codes, mandatory vaccinations. their political movement is a lot closer to orban/modi/xi

Super freezers not required for Pfizerā€¦

Israel has a rate of 11.55 vaccination doses per 100 people, followed by Bahrain at 3.49 and the UK at 1.47, according to a global tracking website affiliated with Oxford University.

The US fell far short of its target of vaccinating 20 million people by the end of 2020, with just 2.78 million having received a jab by 30 December.

Israel began vaccinations on 19 December and is delivering jabs to about 150,000 people a day, with priority given to the over-60s, health workers and people who are clinically vulnerable.

It secured supplies of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine following negotiations early on in the pandemic. It is contacting people with priority access to the vaccine through its health care system - by law all Israelis must register with a recognised health care provider.

Israel has safely subdivided shipments of the Pfizer vaccine, which must be stored at -70C, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein told YNet TV news. This means smaller batches of the vaccine can be sent out to remote communities.

I suspect the biggest thing is treatment has gotten better.

The numbers on this seem too much of a coincidence.

The employee left out 57 vials and they gave out exactly 57 shots. Weird?

I also read in a different news report that those 57 shots were given intentionally (Not unintentionally like in your link. Even if you read the text in the article, itā€™s not clear that giving those 57 doses was unintentional, even though thatā€™s what the headline says) since they were just in the window where it could be kept out of freezer without spoiling. So what I thought is that just just decided to just take one dose out of every vial and discard the rest of the vial.

But I donā€™t know. The whole thing is bizarre.

Thereā€™s been no significant change in treatment sinceā€¦ April? It took awhile for those strategies to be adopted widely (summer time), but UK was an early adopter. Canā€™t see what treatment would have really changed things in November or whatever.

@CaffeineNeeded tells us that there have been essentially no improvements in treatment since about July (IIRC).

Edit: ponied. I guess, itā€™s since April.

Do retail pharmacies have regular freezers (required for the Moderna vaccine) but not the ultra-code freezers (required for the Pfizer vaccine)?

Needs to be monitored and recorded that itā€™s working.

To be clear there is a difference between when a treatment becomes a thing and adopted, but the last provable mortality benefit was steroids which was in April. Remdesivir does shit. Regeneron just failed to show a mortality benefit. Anticoagulation was never shown to have a mortality benefit but thatā€™s because the entirety of NYC decided to just give it to basically everyone instead of studying it.

Thereā€™s a learning curve when it comes to supportive care, but I donā€™t see what would cause some big change now.


Yeah because by that same measure Trump jumped on saving the world from global warming that the liberals would then switch sides.

There have only been a handful of things Trump has been on the correct side of during his administration and I donā€™t remember any liberal flip flopping.

Wearing a mask is fundamental science. Itā€™s unlikely vast swathes of people who believe in science are going to deny science because someone they hate supports one scientific thing.