COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

News from a country that takes this seriously. Sydney had 7 new cases today and that is enough to make masks mandatory in stores, public transport, churches etc. Starting Monday you can be fined $200 if you don’t comply. Also the small part of the city where this outbreak started is still under stay at home orders.


Polio is not eradicated. If people stopped getting vaccinated for it, it would absolutely pop up again all over the place.

Got news from my inlaws that because they knew someone who knew someone, they called about getting the vaccine from some of the leftover doses after the planned people got some. Sure enough, they got it. Oh yeah, and my brother, a dentist, gets it tomorrow.


Did they get an appointment for the second dose?

Not sure. Maybe they’ll just try the same plan?

I’m pretty sure once you get the first dose you get a card about it, and then that card is enough to get a second dose.

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TIL polio vaccines infect more people than wild polio now that we’ve gotten the wild virus so under control.

Varies. I didn’t get a card but my job is all about the EMR. We scheduled our second dose before getting the first.

And If we stopped vaccinating completely it would come roaring back pretty fast.

This is technically true eventually, but it would take a super long time for it to happen. Polio is damn near eradicated, doesn’t have a non-human reservoir, and huge amounts of people are vaccinated for it already.

And Taiwan

This hasn’t been as bad I expected. Going on 9-10 months now, sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever dare to eat a peach again, and oddly I’m not sure I care.

Right, but someone was posting that we shouldn’t be vaccinating for it anymore in the US because it’s “eradicated,” or something like that. I was pointing out why that’s not true.

From September of 2018 - March of 2019 we vaccinated more than 150 million Americans for the flu. Why are we doing such a shitty job with the way more important Covid vaccine? I get it requires super cold storage for Pfizer, but not for the Moderna one, right?

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10 years in the third world?

At least some of the family got Christmas pozzed. Brother and his gf flew from FL to St. Louis, spent Christmas with their respective families but not exclusively, they each visited the other family while there.

GF’s dad apparently the source, brother and gf both pozzed. Brother is late 30s, top .1% fitness for his age, and while I haven’t seen the girlfriend I’m sure she’s the same, it’s how he rolls.

Supposedly they’re doing ok but her dad is struggling. Now waiting to find out if they pozzed all of my family.

Nobody wanted to tell me because they thought I would bitch them out. I’m kind of offended, but honestly this is how most of my family thinks. I told my brother before he went that he shouldn’t go, but I don’t rub salt into wounds. My brother and I are probably the only people in the family who are above that, though. I’m surprised he didn’t tell me and worried he’s sicker than he’s letting on as he hasn’t responded to my texts today.

To give my deplorable family a little credit, nobody gave me any shit about not showing up for the family Christmas.


Are you counting australia as crushing it? Also. Are we an island or a small continent?

And many Australians. Including me. Think this reaction is too little too late.

We’ve only just started rolling out the COVID vaccine.

Another R legislator as a nominee