COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Your only human contact “most weeks” , you know, except for the week you JUST SPENT IN COSTA RICA which is more than a lot of people have had. How do you make this post without a shred of irony.

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Right but in Redondo Beach and the surrounding areas our cases are pretty low. So it’s not like the hotspot areas of LA - which should mitigate the risk somewhat. But yeah that article bobman posted just came out 2 days ago. I didn’t know it was that bad.

Can someone explain how we’re going to massively improve vaccine rollout? I keep reading articles assuming this is going to happen but, as far as I can tell, there’s no real plan.

Like, yeah, I’m sure CVS and Walgreens will get better at it, but even if they become 2x in efficiency, that is still woefully inadequate. We’re running at 10x under target right now.

I’ve been a lot more optimistic than most here, but having a tough time seeing how we turn this around and get magnitudes better in such a short timeframe. Seems like we need to be thinking much bigger (military, football stadiums, etc) and I’m not hearing much talk like that, even from the Biden people.


Another thing we don’t discuss is masking. We have a double two ply (net 4x) cloth mask that covers from ear to ear, fully under the chin.

Basically from just under my eyes to under my jaw line are covered. Ties behind head vs ear bands.

I think it’s better than most I see without going P100 etc.

I see all kinds of folks including workers wearing temp medical masks that buckle and see hints of mouths and nose holes all the time.

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The govt can set up tents and start vaccinating people en masse. I hope that one it gets to anyone over a certain age they start doing that. Just bring your ID and get vaccinated. Now they are only doing front line healthcare workers and nursing home residents - which takes more planning and control.

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This is all true. For sure we live in an authoritarian state already. I would be interested in which non-democracies are doing well and which aren’t and why.

But, very few democracies are crushing it. The US is doing about the same as most of Western Europe (France, Spain, Italy, UK) and about twice as bad as many others (Germany, Canada). A few are doing what might be called “crushing it” and three of those few (now including Taiwan!) are islands.

What you’re complaining about might just be capitalism or individualism or dumb people or people valuing life/things differently than you, I don’t know, but it’s something very big and either built into people or most of modern society.

Like LDO as you’ve pointed out and everyone has known for a long time, barring some factors that don’t depend on curbing individual behavior or government action, the Earth is certainly fucked on climate.

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I expect the guy at Jiffy Lube to understand how to drain oil and how to put more oil in and how to change the oil filter.

I don’t expect them to understand how motor oil is formulated or how the recommended maintenance schedule is developed. I also don’t give a shit if they change their own oil ever 500 miles or every 20000 miles TBH

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Just a note. Last week WSJ ran an article about grocery stores struggling with home delivery. It is mostly focused on instacart who has exploded during the pandemic.

Besides the delivery fees and such. They charge stores 10%. My dad was in the grocery business his entire life. Was my first career. 10% is absolutely insane. The grocery industry exists on paper thin margins. Back when I was involved the industry wide net profit margins for all of D/FW were barely 1%.

Every retailer the WSJ talked to basically said they lose money on delivery and they prefer people use their curbside pickup instead.

As one who has pushed grocery delivery, I can’t endorse the myriad of instacart offerings any longer. Seems competitors are emerging that charge less. Just found out Target owns it’s own delivery company I think it’s called Shipt.

Anyways just seconding curbside pickup. They can bring the groceries put them in the trunk etc and it is about as safe an exchange as you can get.

I realize some people want to squeeze their own fruit but perhaps they could give that up for a year.


I argue that it does not call for a stronger response. It simply calls for everyone to actually do what they should have been doing for the last nine months AND to stop looking for loopholes/trying to outsmart the virus by figuring out what might be “safe enough”.

How the hell did the grocers accept 10% charge for instacart? Crazy. Isn’t instacart just some random person shopping for you? They just get to the register and demand a 10% rebate?

Yep just be a complete shutin for a year and a half. Maybe longer. Who the hell knows. Easy. Stop being such a pussy about it. No reason why you might want to try considering very low risk activities to keep your sanity.

Can I still go hiking or is that too high risk?

It’s hard for me to imagine what’s in it for the grocers at 10% charge. Everyone knows their margins are paper thin.

JT is saying the same thing, but just because you put the words “loophole” and “outsmart” here doesn’t make this right. Every single person who is aware of the virus and thinking about what to do in response to it is deciding what actions are safe enough, whether that’s cutting back on the orgies or deciding between walking the dog at 10pm when few people are around or 2am when no one is around.


You live in a condo building 6" away from strangers with people passing by your door and windows no more than a few feet away from yours. You should always be hiking.


I will post some hints I’ve learned from ordering groceries online for the last 9 months

Hint 1: order two different brands of milk

But I’m briefly passing people.


Hint 2: a 10 pound turkey really means a 25 pound turkey

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Just so you know the article about the store I mentioned above came out a couple weeks ago.

Suzzer I like you but you are absolutely seem to be seeking out loopholes or justifications.

I am glad Redondo Beach is doing better than the general area. If I lived there I would want to keep it that way.


What if you can’t finish more than one before it spoils?

Brands or percentage of fat?