COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

guy is doomed anyways, at least he got to nail his ex-wife one more time


Like what specifically will you do differently? It’s not clear to me.

Pull girls out of daycare, only go out with an N95, switch to grocery delivery, etc. I had already listed stuff like this.

Meanwhile. In competent government land.

“There are now about 200 people in isolation because they are linked to positive cases or their close contacts. Authorities are using a “third-ring” approach where positive cases, their close contacts and those people’s contacts are all asked to isolate.”

In response to 8 cases.


Talking to some doctors I know from the hospital and they tell me where everybody is either going to get it or has already had it and didn’t know it

Guys my ex-trainer has talked to some doctors he knows. We can all quit worrying about covid. Interestingly he is going to take the vaccine when he can.

It’s amazing that everyone is arguing with such an obviously correct point. Think of the riskiest thing you currently do despite COVID and the safest thing you avoid due to COVID. One of those calls should probably change if the virus becomes 50% more or less contagious!


Yup, anyone sending their kids back to school next week in the midst of the new strain being found here is insane.

We may also not be looking at a uniform change in risk across all activities.

I am glad we are hitting 10% of our vaccination targets for 2020. Hopefully we can boost that to 15% in 2021.

Damn you covid

Damn you America

Damn you Trump

It’s wishful thinking that this new variant will cause us to take this pandemic more seriously next decade.

At this point we are gonna suffer until we get herd immunity through vaccination and with people not wanting to get vaccines ever, we will have a tough time getting there.

Seriously depressing shit.

I just hope they study it on kids in the next few months so my whole family can get vaccinated and we can at least be safe even if others won’t be

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Holy shit. The scariest thing about that is she got it. Was hospitalized, got better to the point of not need oxygen and then a couple days later intubated and died. The whole ordeal took a fucking month. Thats horrific for her family. Fuck all this

This is a very good lay explanation of the new variant and what is actually known and what is suspected.

It really doesn’t change much if anything from what’s been discussed itt. It does do a good job of summarizing the evidence and the strengths and the weaknesses.

At least the experts interviewed leave some wiggle room for alternate explanations but also suggest the weight of evidence is pointing in the direction of faster spread and higher viral loads.

For now nothing actionable is different. Get vaccinated ASAP. Take physical precautions. Continue to monitor the spread of the mutant. Keep looking for new ones and testing for antigen drift (loss of vaccine effectiveness).

I don’t love the headline writer. Presenting a balanced scientific discussion always leaves room for doubt unless the evidence is overwhelming.

My sister went off to a New Years Eve party. She said there would be about a dozen “close” friends. Can’t tell an adult what to do but I can tell her that she’s making a stupid choice by going.

I also found out just today that my sister went to some giant dinner with her boyfriend’s family while they were in South Carolina during the holiday weekend.

So, I have no symptoms and nobody I’ve been around has any but I’m still pretty pissed that I didn’t know about this. Wouldn’t have visited them

Would not have been exposed in your own house

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If there’s a NYE bump it’s going to be interesting in that it will be mostly young people. So the real bump may not begin until a few weeks later when they pozz their parents, grandparents and coworkers.

NYE isn’t an official federal holiday. NYD is.

Maybe I take this more seriously because I had two REALLY CLOSE calls with Respitory illnesses. Don’t want any part of that or any of the potential side effects.

I don’t think most people appreciate the experience of distressed lungs.

Not to mention the other possible afflictions.

That is why I orbit a lawnmower every time I see someone acting cavalier or deciding they probably won’t get it too bad if they get it.

People are gambling without any clue what they are betting. It is stupid.

Pretty cool Rage Against the Machine’s Killing in the Name came on as I wrote this.


Wrong about the worrying about COVID part, but probably not wrong about us all getting it in USA #1

Christmas death peak is what - about 5 weeks away?