COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Literally the next tweet

Highest positive % of the second wave

Most deaths of the second wave (and about 40% of the worst of first wave)


I think you’re looking at hospitalizations. Peak daily COVID deaths for the state were ~800, so we’ve still got a lot of work to do before we break that record.

But still not a great time to attend a Bills game.

Well I guess that finally answers the age-old question

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Trump killed Mary Ann. God damn that fucker.

  • Mary Ann
  • Ginger
  • Mrs. Howell

0 voters

Yeah, I didn’t double check, for some reason I thought they peaked somewhere in the mid 300s, maybe I was thinking of the NYC only number?

She was pretty old though, and was going to die eventually anyway.

what the fuck

No hearts for you for the rest of the year!

Ginger is now the only one still alive.

I think this thread has been silent (or at least a quick search didn’t find any mention) on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine currently undergoing clinical trials, which I’ve read doesn’t have the same cold-storage requirements as other vaccines and can be delivered in one shot. It also looks like it will be one of the cheaper offerings.

This is a cluster. Very cool the general information. Is a month apart but the trials only tested 21 days.

What are we doing.

Shocking Keed picked mrs. Howell.

What indeed.

This is good headline writing, right?

Newsom confirmed the patient’s diagnosis during a Facebook Live conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The governor said during a news conference earlier on Wednesday that the Southern California region currently has an ICU capacity of 0 percent.

This is why I think vaccine will be available to everyone sooner than projected. So many people who can get it are turning it down.

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Any care home that doesnt make this a condition of continuing employment should be sued to oblivion.



Not sure about the fact that people “in line” are refusing the vaccine will mean that more people will get it sooner. What’s the “shelf life” of a vaccine? Doesn’t the ultra-cold requirement affect the possibility of being a “delayed” dose?

Eta: Agreed (Rugby). A requirement of a “health care” work is … to care about people’s health (cue Seinfeld “It’s right in the name!”).

Bucket-cam please