COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

China should be forced to administer the vaccine its their virus!


I like this post because it means I’m not the oldest member of the forum.


Yes I take covid seriously.

But it’s Thanksgiving.

I think we can be certain that the companies and various health agencies are following up with the partial data from the Study purportedly with 1/2-full.

Until there is effin data the rest is pure speculation. Don’t pull a [redacted ashole] at my old fermentation plant and start changing things on partial information and cause the whole process to crash.

It will be great if we can increase capacity by 1/3 but we are already on a super compressed timeline. It’s going to take a bit longer to test.

To me the worst we can do is to give people a false sense of immunity of an ineffective regime and then they YOLO us into even more spread and death.

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Is this real?

Did the Fyre Fest guy get out of prison or something?


Now here is a nominee we can all get behind



I just received the Moderna vaccine via a drive-through clinic specifically for practicing healthcare workers. Arrived 20 minutes early (6:40am) to a line of 30 cars, but received my shot at 7:25. Overall it was an efficient, pleasant experience with good vibes all-around. I’m very grateful we still have our competent dem governor instead of the incoming R sociopath/science-denier.

Thanks so much for the encouragement here or I might have deferred my spot. It’s a relief to know that my family and clients will all be a little safer soon. But you don’t have to be jealous that I’ll be running around partying like a moron. I don’t plan on changing anything until all of our vulnerable (including my family) are also protected. I recognize this is a privileged spot to be in and don’t take it lightly.


With regard to the vaccination clusterfuck, how important is the timing of the second dose? If people aren’t getting the second dose exactly at or very close to the time indicated, is it likely that will have an impact on the vaccination’s effectiveness? The task of getting a shot into hundreds of millions of people in as short a time period as possible is already daunting. Getting those hundreds of millions of people to then return on a specific day just…doesn’t seem like something we as a people are capable of achieving. And who’s making sure, as we pump out first doses as quickly as possible, that we don’t get ahead of ourselves and dispense so many first doses that there aren’t enough second doses when the time comes? Like, in these stories we’ve heard of some vaccines being given to otherwise non-eligible people because they were about to expire, when it’s time for those people to get their second dose are they now more of a priority than the at-risk people who haven’t yet received a first dose?

I am now ready for Space Karen and the Billionaires to show that it is in fact their leadership and brilliance that has made them so successful.

Also: I happen to have one of my kids’ immunization record handy, and they were not vaccinated against polio. They are currently 15 and we are in California.


Biden is definitely aware of the logistics of getting the vaccine out. He was interviewed on the Late Show last week and he said getting the actual vaccine injected will be the most difficult part.

My sister was vaccinated last week. She said they set up an appointment for the 2nd shot before you leave the Dr. office. I assume most places will be like that.

Top of my wish list


Are you really in here trying to dunk on people who aren’t taking the pandemic seriously


I don’t comprehend why any of these wealthy countries didn’t massively over order all possible options.

What’s the worst that happens, you donate vaccines to poorer countries if you end up with too much.

In none of the cases is money a legitimate limiting factor.

Plus you can structure deals in a manner that the manufacturers have to meet certain milestones.

The US should have at least a billion vials in order given we are dealing with numerous manufacturers.

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I believe they accidentally gave some people a half dose by mistake then backtracked the results she saw a potential difference.

Doesn’t seem like it is well established.

The founding fathers would say, “Jim, why have you dedicated your entire life to protecting and defending rapists?”

Founding Fathers would wonder why the fuck Ohio is a state.


Happy new year!

I do not think Thomas Jefferson would ask this particular question.